Hard Plastic anyone ? And a way to...change the world..

ryb ( ashita@colba.net )
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:06:20 -0400

Any one ,perticuliarly in England,remember that English,a sort of
inventor,at his pension,that has invented a hard plastic,that was better
and harder than steel,aluminum while retaining the propreties of a
metal-you coudl heat it,bend it etc..In an AP(?) Press released-that was
about 7 yrs ago(?) it stated that scientists were baffled buy it,coudl
not understand how he did it.at first they just brushed him off as a
crank,but when photos where shown of him weldign his plastic ec..then
some of them noticed.Apparently a university(Galscow?) was supposed to
do some research.. Later on(a few months..) it stated that commercial
applications were being considered.Then SILENCE....

Thus whatever happened to it ?

The above infos and my previous post and others as well do suggest that
besides a sort of GLOBAL CONSPIRACY,the real culprits might indeed
OURSELVES,as we are TOO CONSERVATIVE to accept ANY revolutionary
ideas..We are too complacent..

Maybe part of our efforts instead of finding that elusive O/U motor
,whatever,might be to promulgate existing products,technology that do
well we could start by mentionning to our closed ones the benefits :

-in regards to health(0): of Colloidal Silver,Colloidal Minerals,etc...
also of crystal healing devices,appers,Bare,Ed Skilling's devices,etc...

-in regards to technology(1)-Brown's gas,etc..

-in regards to (recent)forgotten technology(2): that hard plastic,the
world TV antenna..

-in regards to O/U technology(3)- yes do it but not really our 1st

Conclusion-if a conservaive/skeptic person is cured by
Csilver,Minerals,Willard water,etc..,I call this TECHNOLOGY 0(zero)then
he will be better disposed to listen to TECHNOLOGY 1,then 2 and finally
3 ...
