Mine format(yuck !);Hurricane dissipation or energy gathering ?Global TV without satellites needed

ryb ( ashita@colba.net )
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:49:30 -0400

Posting a mime format in mailing list that can usually only accept TEXT
is well,deplorable...Sur wish that people would reconsider this option
and just say that those that want it,they will e0mail to them the
required infos...

Any altrnative ways have been suggested to divert coruse of Hurricanes(I
am thibnkign of Bonnie);also ways to harness the energy produced by
such a hurricane.I think I read tht Reich and Tesla(?) did some research
into that areas ?

I remember seeing in a French magazien-it as a publication for
youngsters,called SPIROU, I believe,about 40 yrs ago,around 1956,at the
time of the International Expo being held at Bruxelles,Belgium..In any
event,that chap in his early 30's(?) was receiving TV stations from all
over the world..Remmebr,NO satellite up then except the infamous Sputnik
put up in 1957 by th Russian followe by an American one a few months
later.The 1st Communication satellite was TELSTAR put up in 62 or 67
?(in the early yearss of the Vietnam conflict infos about the war were
put on a plane and sent to the US...images thus arrived about 12-18hrs
later on our TV screen).

Okay,sorry if I digressed a bit..Hence this chap.a sort of hobbyist
electrician was able to get TV reception from mnay foreign
countries-,simply by putting up an antenna and then
have it zizag in the sky until he was able to get reception fo other TV
stations..His antenna was thus capting TV waves.It was about 20-30 feet
high, experts stated that it was impossible yet journalists had taken
photos of him receiving TV stations from Asia,America,etc..This chap
could not explain it..The article concluded that one day every one would
be able to get TV programs from all over the world..The hobbyist was
trying to figure out a way to standardize his research and develop a
commercial antenna..
I remember reading later(in 62-63 ?) that a sort of working prototype
was in fact made but that commercial interest in the device was
mitigated and then satellite TV transmission began in around 67 and the
Belgium Ministry of technology(?) had tried to interest the
industry..Guess it was never commercialized,if ever,on a grand scale...I
wonder if BIG $$$ vested interests did not stifle that
discovery/technology ?
If some pundits are right-this fall,micro-meteorites are supposed to
create havoc with the numerous satellites in space and maybe as they
are disabled,that technology will resurface once again ?
