Re: Shrinking Tumors

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:25:47 -0400

>It is then INJECTED by a doctor directly into tumors and causes massive
>shrinkage of the tumor in HOURS!!!

I don't remember where, but I'm sure I read of someone recently getting
arrested for doing this after his patient died. Of course, that doesn't
mean that the Essiac killed him, and in fact I don't even think he was a
licensed doctor, but it still seems like a stupid thing to do. For one
thing, the herbs are going to enter the body at a much higher concentration
than if they were ingested. Remember the warnings not to take herbs while
on Rife therapy because of electroporosis, and how dangerous it is to use
DMSO? Of course, the point IS to kill the tumor, but what about the tissue
around it? Or what if it gets into the blood stream? Not only that, but
where are all those dead tumor cells going to GO?

--"Volleyball is racquetless team ping-pong played with an inflated balland an elevated net while standing on the table." --George Carlin