Re: Experiment Proposal - Call for Review

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:23:27 -0500

Hi Jay et al!

You quoted the following;
> If one were to place a seed in a moist growth environment
> inside a sealed-off container, and weigh this container
> over time, one would discover a gradual increase in weight
> "which simply cannot be explained by contemporary physical
> laws or theories."

This has been written up and duplicated many years ago, I think by a
Japanese scientist who was working in along the lines of Louis Kervran,
best known for his experiments proving 'biological transmuation'...I
can't remember the Japanese scientists name but some of his experiments
were even more interesting than Kervrans discovery that potassium
transmuted to calcium in the body of hens when they produced eggs.

Much like a miniature biosphere, with water, soil and the life form and
of course light. Interesting that Tesla always claimed that light was
in fact highly charged particles of matter that impinged on the earth to
restore the elements.

There is also the work of Andrew Crosse with his creation of the Acari
lifeform in a sealed chamber containing a mix of gas, elements and
periodic high voltage sparks to emulate a pre-biotic a
relatively pristine environment, these totally new life forms appeared,
like nothing ever seen by biologists. I have the book somewhere, it
really should be online....I'm sure someone sells it...

If there is an increase in mass, it might be that Tesla was right and
the excited elements in light provide the mass...

One other interesting experiment was the late Dr. Galen Hieronymous'
'eloptic' energy proof, where he completely sealed a section of his
basement so that no light could get in. He had two identical sets of
plants separated and light shielded from each set were
exposed to nothing but the darkness of the room, though given water.
The other set had metal plates connected to a wire which went up and
outside to connect to other metal plates that were exposed to the sun.

Dr. G. found that the plants exposed only to darkness grew but were
bleached out (no chlorophyll) and sickly...the ones in the container
with the metal plates connected to outside metal plates grew JUST AS IF
THEY HAD BEEN IN and healthy...this is why he calls his
radionic energy 'eloptic' because it has the properties of both light
and electricity....fascinating man, hated to hear he died.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187