White Light LED & miscellany

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 02:55:28 -0500

Hi Folks!

Got a call from long time friend Alex Petersen, we talked
about a lot of things and he mentioned a white light LED.
I thought he was joking but he found a source for them.
If you are interested here is the contact information Alex
told me he had located;

Company is NICHIA
Contact is Mike Burb
Phone number is 717-285-2323 extension 105
Part Number NSPW500VS
Cost $12.00 each
Company Location Lancaster, PA

The white light LED draws from 3 to 3.64 vdc @ 20 ma.

It is claimed that by removing the bulb from a 2 cell
flashlight and inserting one of these white light LEDs
that it will light to full white light intensity and
remain for 24 hours per day for a period ranging from
7 - 12 days, CONTINOUS.

Now, there are several patents for 'switched' flashlights
which turn the bulb off and on at about 24 flashes per
second. The claim is that the batteries last slightly
longer, the relative intensity remains the same and
the eye cannot easily see the switching off and on
because it is below the flicker rate and the bulb
filament remains somewhat glowing between flashes,
so it doesn't go completely dark.

The problem with using this switching circuitry
with a normal filament bulb is that the circuitry
uses the very slight energy that is believed to be gained.

Possibly with this white light LED, this switching
circuitry, using very low power cmos or 555 timer
type circuits, might extend the operation of the LEDs
for an even greater period.
We also discussed the recent spate of reports on
Dr. Chungs 'negative resistance' and how it was
accomplished using compressed perpendicular carbon
fibers with a weak current running through them as
in an ohmmeter to read -8 ohms.

This sounds surprisingly similar to the late Jerry
Gallimore and TT.Browns claims of using stressed
dielectrics, i.e. capacitors or crystals under
pressure, though the carbon fibers are a RESISTANCE.

What gives? Something new here?

Oddly enough as many of us have discussed in the past,
Moray and other claimed free energy producers seem
to have used a 'deep dielectric' that sounds suspiciously
like this negative resistance, i.e. below a zero
reference point to literally not only offer NO
resistance but to attract and accumulate electrons
anywhere near the unit, like a weak 'electron
vacuum cleaner.'

An atmospheric tap like Morays' long wire antenna
would pick up electricity from the air.

Now add the Moray valve which was apparently a mix
of primarily germanium and other elements to form
an Avramenko plug (two high speed parallel diodes
but opposite polarity, like two check valves, one
to let ONLY the positive waves pass through, the
other to let ONLY the negative waves pass), feeding
into such a deep dielectric, negative resistance
circuit would capture the majority of alternating
currents at all frequencies.

Yet another correlation is that of ambient heat which
is captured in a type of solid state reverse Peltier
junction (in some devices - information soon to be
released) seems to be a partial key to this. That also
explains the cooling effect sometimes noted when a
free energy device is in operation, but that's another

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187