stones and sounds

Ted Gallop ( )
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 14:35:07

Thanks Jerry for bringing the Ivanov info to us. I have read it all and am
glad to see some real scientific minds at work on this issue. It's a pity
they are struggling to finance their efforts. Wish I had a few mill.

For many years now I've believed that the material world is just a
construct of "interference or concordance points" emanating from vibrations
of etheric material. Atoms are just the finest manifestation of these
points and the table of elements is in fact a list of vibrational
interference patterns related to different frequencies.

Gravity appeared to me to be an 'interlocking' of these vibrations, rather
like a big hand reaching out and holding a smaller hand. However I could
never work out how simple 'interlocking' in this way could create a 'force'
capable of causing movement - as gravity does. Ivanov's theories apear to
explain it.

They say there is a tendency for systems to move to lower energy levels and
that gravity is manifested by the standing waves moving (moving because of
frequency differences - see the little car diagram) toward areas of lower
energy. The 'gravitational' spider is the pattern of waves concordance or
interference of the two sources of vibration (for example, you and the
earth) and therefore it is a crude representation of the pattern of force

It therefore seems that my interlocking "handshaking" scenario was off the
mark. However, the two objects in this example, you and the earth, both
vibrate and create a spider force pattern. If I'm not mistaken Ivanov says
that antigravity and levitation should be possible by changing the
frequency of vibration of one of the objects and thus changing the shape of
the spider to alter the forces involved.

This appears unlikely to me. I doubt we could alter the frequency of
vibration of the body's atomic structure in a non-harmful way.

ON the other hand, it should be possible to create standing waves "around"
the person through the use of sound generation and by controlling the
frequency and phase relationships so that the spider shaped waves are
interfered with and broken down - thus releasing the person (in this case)
from the spider's 'grip'. I have done some reading up on how to create
sound standing waves etc of different shapes and sizes - it's not difficult.

I may be off the track in the detail, but I am convinced that many
anti-gravity effects are easily possible using sound alone. Once these are
understood, moving on to the 'electromagnetic' waveforms is the next step.
We should be concentrating our efforts int his area - and it is cheaper
too. The ancient egyptians didn't need all sorts of electrical aparatus to
build the pyramids. Whatever they used was rather simple. Leedskalnin was
said to have 'sung' to his stones as he worked in the dead of night moving
them. Was he singing to disguise another sound he was generating? The
ancient cities of the Mayans in Sth America had temples made of huge stones
which their myth says were 'carried there on the sounds of trumpets'.
Tibetan monks have been recorded as moving huge stones using drums and
trumpets (Cathie's book).

Sound is the way to go. We just need to understand how to project it and at
what frequencies and phases and amplitudes to cause the desired effects.

BTW - The Lifting Stones Of Shivapur sound to me like a real good income
generator for the local monks. they aren't silly you know. Who has said the
stone can't be lifted with more than 11 people? - the monks I gather. If
weight is evenly distributed over 11 fingers, maybe it isn't that special
after all - just another version of the game of lifting someone from a
chair using fingers. Jerry, I thought you were the one that didn't jump to
conclusions over wild claims unless their proponents were happy to allow
people to copy it and you could prove it for yourself. If you were to ask
these monks about how it is done - do you think they would tell you?

Thanks all for hearing me out. I really think the investigation is headed
in the right direction now. Hopefully we can keep up the momentum.

Ted gallop