Re: stones and sounds

Jaman ( (no email) )
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:56:38 -0300

Just a quick thought, in the world wide tales of levitating rocks
is there any one substance in the composition of the rocks
that is the same? Or is there a comonality in a few different
substances in their composition?

Maybe, there is a single ingredient that responds to brainwaves or sound or
what have you.

----- Original Message -----
From: Martin <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: stones and sounds

>Hi All
>>Seriously you will seldom find so many people willing to do something so
>stupid, you should try it.
>>> Well, I never said I BELIEVED IT, but that I definitely wanted to go
>>> over there and TEST know, based on those pictures, it should
>>> be simple to get a rough estimation of the size of the stone and have
>>> one cut to the same weight....then try that here....possibly getting
>>> someone to record that chant??? It should work anywhere...magic rock my
>>> butt..<g>..scuse me but we are getting I think VERY CLOSE to an
>>> understanding that offers some hope in this area of gravity control.
>The above is exactly my point. I would be prepared to do the same test.
>I would even use weights instead of a boulder.I could probably get an exact
>pronounciation of the chant there are many Indian Speakers where I live.
>Just got to round up enough people to have their toes crushed :-)
>Geological Data on Granite and the size that a boulder of the weight
>mentioned would take up is easily enough found by any Geologist.
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