Clem as a Rotary Heat Pump

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 06 Apr 1999 03:45:12 -0500

Hi Folks!

I have been having dreams lately about the Clem engine and there seems
to be some synchronicities which are pointed to it. One of these dreams
showed the diagram of the engine with the input side in red and the
nozzle area in blue.

I took this as an indication that the key to the operation of the Clem
engine was due to a heat differential. I have long thought that would
be an ideal first project to attempt in the proper setting and so it
dances on the borders of my mind..<g>..

Note the Clem engine was said to become self-running under two
conditions, when it achieved 2000 rpm and whent the temperature of the
Mazola cooking oil reached 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Of course it is pumped until it achieves that velocity but based on his
observation of the hot asphalt sprayer which continued to run although
power was removed until the asphalt began to cool down, the Clem engine
would become self-running and indeed, had to be governed from going so
fast as to destroy itself.

That indicates increased viscosity and therefore resistance at cooler

So, if the fluid is pumped under pressure through the shaft, the fluid
could become HOT on the input side being that it is under pressure and
pushing against the resistance of the shaft, the spiralling tubes on the
cone and the nozzles.

Once the hot oil sprays out through the nozzles, it COOLS because it
spreads out over a wide area.

It also strikes me that the shape of the nozzle might add to this
effect, where one type of nozzle would put out a fairly tight stream of
fluid for the greatest repulsion of the cone (the nozzles are angled to
make the cone spin),

while another nozzle design would spray the fluid out which would cool
it much faster and become much cooler since it would cover more air
space faster.

A synchronicity with this dream was noted in a phone call this weekend
from a friend who spoke of a company experimenting with nozzle design.
He said they were using a venturi design trying to increase the velocity
and volume when they hit on one design that seemed to be producing

Now this is quite interesting, because of the idea of inertia and
entrainment. In the case of zpe/aether as being the cause of inertia,
two examples;

1) stop your car while going 60 mph an hour and what pushes you
against the steering column? entrained zpe/aether (inertia)

2) swim or move through water at high speed and it roils and
sucks in surrounding water as you move through stop and
the entrained water continues to run into you until it again
reaches homogeneity.

I believe any fluid mass or energy, INCLUDING AETHER/ZPE can be so
entrained and made to flow or be redirected.

Now this special nozzle design, having water flowing through it at high
velocity, would have a suction on the venturi ports. If additional
water is made available, not pumped, just available, the water in motion
could well suck the still water in the through the venturi, to entrain
it into motion and possibly, with a serendipitous design, produce more
flow out than the pump was pushing in.....i.e. overunity.

There is a possibility this nozzle was patented so checking into that.

Let's not forget the guy who was claiming to represent a small group
back around October of last year (98) who had the so-called
'countdown'. Of course they flaked out but he teased us all a lot
claiming they had 'done the math' showing that a vortex action could be
created which would produce more energy than it took to sustain the

I don't recall what his answer was to the possiblity of a venturi
addition, but any answer would be suspect as if they really had
something, they would take pains to denigrate anything which could
short-circuit their 'release' at the countdown end...

And let's not forget Victor Schaubergers Zokwendle which looked like a
big egg with the small end facing were it made something
on the order of 30,000 watts from a vortex action.

So, none of this is too 'out there' and I think might be the entire
secret behind how the Clem ran on its own and produced such incredible
power....300 or so horsepower where one horsepower equals about 750
watts so 300 X 750 = 262,500 watts = 262.5KW...that is hard to believe
coming from an apporoximate 3 foot cube, but it was said to have been
tested with a 'de Prony brake', today known as a 'dynamometer', by
Bendix Corporation over a 7 day period...they insisted it had to be
powered by a radioactive cell as nothing that small could produce that
amount of power that long and be completely self-running, that is from a
Oh, I should explain about the email address...we are right on the edge
of InterNic changing the keelynet website over, so I basically have 3
emails; (currently through flashnet) (through flashnet and an alias for keelynet) (my email at work
Keelyman (my AIM AOL instant messenger handle)

When the server is switched finally, will come
through Dan's server, will come through
Sorry for the confusion and that the archives are still down, they will
be updated when Internic finishes the transfer and available for

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187