Resonant Mirrors

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 11:58:39 -0500

Hi Folks!

I read this intriguing comment from Theo Paijmans new book on Keely, see

for ordering details for this amazing book!! Lots of NEW information on
many related subjects and it lists many old books and experimenters that
I'd never heard of. An excellent description of APERGY which I am
adapting for KeelyNet usage and a wonderful term of 'fusion of
vibrations' from Rudolph Steiner....excellent and much like the magnetic
energy attraction to itself as opposed to the electric of repulsion from
itself. Lots of fresh ideas here, well at least to my perception.

Here is the quote from page 299;

"Then we proceeded to a larger room; in it was a very large
mirror that was called 'Salomon's mirror' by Jesse and the
wonder of the world, in which mirror he could JOIN ALL
IMAGES, every one of the entire world."

The inventor was an experimenter in occult/science (where occult means
hidden, usually from the masses), named Benjamin Jesse who lived from

In a book called 'Dweller on Two Planets' there is mention made of
resonant devices which allowed people to communicate both visually and
audibly over any distance, the device was called a 'nailm'.

If it was at all possible, it always puzzled me about how such a device
could work, the best description of the technical side was in the
'Dweller' book saying there were multiple tuned strings connected to
some other appurtenances (have to look up the description) behind a
mirror. The device could be tuned to any other such mirror for instant

Now, I realize there was a lot of fantastic writing going on during the
1800-1900s and many lifted ideas from others, as happens with our modern
science fiction, however, this idea of a 'resonant mirror communication
system' is most intriguing.

I got an email from a fellow asking about the Walter Rawls experiment
where he modified a pair of goggles so that a long cylindrical magnet
was projecting from it, arranged so that the North Pole was facing the
pineal. Walter said over a period of weeks, with 30 or so minutes
exposure to this a day, he would see his walls fade away, opening
usually to a field, another time to a stream moving through what
appeared to be that same field (as if the perspective for that local
area changed)...he reported seeing a phantom man walk through his
office, completely oblivious to Walter...he stopped the experiments
after seeing this same phantom man and a lady sitting on a
hillside...they looked up and SAW HIM which scared the bejesus of him.
My thinking is that he intensified his energy body in an alternate
dimension so that HE was now perceived as a phantom to the residents of
that dimension...needs to have a lot of experiment done on this...ties
in very well with the idea of multiple bodies in multiple realities,
focus your concentration and that body becomes more dense as your
perceptions of that reality intensify.

But the point here is if most mirrors use a silver type coating to
produce the reflective surface, then they COULD be resonantly coupled so
that whatever was in the presence of that mirror could be picked up and
reflected on a witness mirror. The tuning would be the trick though
each mirror would have a slightly different dimension, thickness, weight
and beyond that the relative location.

Certainly would shake me up to see someone looking back at me through
the TV or for an image to appear in a mirror and address me direct...

So much is 'lost' but its still there, waiting to be re-discovered.

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187