Re: End of Big Bang Theory

michael olson ( )
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:01:40 -0700

Hi Jerry,
Interesting Link to Walter. However I need to point oui his idea isn't
original as many people have come to the same conclusion. I hate to say
it as some are tired of hearing about him but Tesla wrote at length
about the sun emitting aether, which being projected or absorbed into
matter, caused attraction of matter.
On another note has anyone bothered to calculate, or experiment with
how far a magnets field expands into space from say a 1 inch ceramic
magnet? If one were to take the lines of force theory, and were to think
that one line equates with one atom, then calculate the number of atoms
in the material this should give an idea of how far the field expands.
Of course this would then need to be verified, and of course this would
lend more credibility to the idea that a field comes from the gyroscopic
motion of electrons. I know Tesla made his"brush" vacuum tube emanation
move away from him when he approached it from several meters with a 3/4
inch magnet.