Re: Last Vanguard Sciences Roundtable Notes (part 1)

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 19:04:08 -0400

>Some of us were talking about this rue and oregano in hot water to
>clean out the lungs and alledgedly heal asthma. I've not checked but
>one guy wants to know what the RUE is?? I know there is a ROUE which
>is like a bouillon base for soups in cooking, but the lady told me
>this was an herb or spice.

Yes, there's an herb called Rue, I've seen it, but I don't know anything
about it.

> While talking about this, one of the
>guys said an old folk remedy for asthma was to give a child a Chihuaha
>puppy and the puppy would absorb the asthma and die, leaving the child

I have an Amish hex book around here somewhere, and one of the chapters
concerns curing something, I think it's the flu or some other disease which
makes one deathly feverish, by placing the person in a barn loft in such a
position that their sweat drips onto a young cow below. Supposedly, the cow
dies and the person recovers. There's also a chapter on curing rabies,
which is interesting since rabies is supposed to be 100% fatal.

By the way, what's Vendyl Jones up to lately? I caught the last few seconds
of a blurb about him on CBS yesterday. Not really enough to tell what was
newsworthy, other than that he's been after the Ark, which we already know.
Is he digging again?

--"Volleyball is racquetless team ping-pong played with an inflated balland an elevated net while standing on the table." --George Carlin