Last Vanguard Sciences Roundtable Notes (part 2)

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 11:58:56 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

The is a continuation of some interesting items from the last
Roundtable meeting.
Item #3 - Tunnel Diode Power Generator

An ex-TI engineer is a close friend of a friend of mine. With regard
to all this talk about negative resistance, he says he has calculated
that a home made tunnel diode, made from 3 easily available materials
(not specified) would produce power to run a house from the tunneling
effect. The trick is that the middle layer of this 3 item sandwich
must be deposited or grown in a crystalline condition.

Now this is a most interesting claim as the old catwhisker radios
basically used a wire point, placed at different areas of a crystal
until you got the best reception..the old unpowered AM receiver that
many of us played with as children. From what I can tell Moray used
this principle in his valve and this idea of a larger surface area
crystal would provide many conductive points that would be touching
the crystal to collect energy from it and on numerous frequencies. So
the idea intrigues me enough to make a page about it and some of the
Item #4 - Fiber Optic Telescope

I'm not so sure about this one, but a friend got to thinking about
light and how it scatters as it passes
into our atmosphere. He thinks that light moving through space is not
diffused/dispersed and so is collimated from the source of
Based on this, he thinks a large bundle of optically pure fiber optics
could be made into a telescope of amazing resolution, allowing one to
intercept what remains of the collimated light on clear nights. He
thinks this would let you clearly see details that are normally not
visible because of the scattering.
Interesting idea. In the book Dashed Against the Rock, Colville
mentions a pyramid structure which would let you easily see details on
the surface of other planets by a similar collimation idea. Keely
also developed a very powerful microscope using 3 separated wires
which were vibrated to somehow enhance magnification. From what I've
heard about it, the device used UV light and could downshift to
visible light.

One of the stories about this UV microscope was that Keely could
project a 10-12 foot image of a single atom in motion, using sound to
slow it down, speed it up or stop it by phase conjugation at its
resonant frequency.
Item #5 - Cavitation and Chronic Illness

Some discussions were also about this dental 'cavitation' idea that a
root canal or filling would leave a hole that would be covered over
with a filling, cap or skin and promote the anerobic growth of all
kinds of bacteria that would simply fester, unknown to the patient.

The bacteria slowly secrete their toxins into the bloodstream over
time to produce all manner of illness (refer Huggins of Colorado for
some details)....the story was going around that heart tissue samples
were taken from a person who died from heart failure.
When samples of that tissue were placed under the skin of rabbits,
the rabbits died of the same heart failure. It tied in with a recent
post which I am uncertain of but might be able to lookup for was about a person who had died from a brain tumor and
the liver was transplanted to another person who died from the same
type of brain tumor....this ties in with the lady who got an organ
transplant and suddenly had cravings for beer and chicken mcnuggets
which she never ate before...turns out the person who had the organ
ate these items routinely.
What is so intriguing about all this, it appears all the organs that
comprise the body are somehow holographically linked or harmonically
connected so that they remember the condition of other organs in their
original body and can rebroadcast that info into their new host to
produce mischief....most intriguing.

One final word about the dental cavitation claim, a personal friend of
many years had Muniere's disease which causes a sudden loss of
balance. He will be walking or working and suddenly just fall over.
This has been going on for about 20 years and he's never been able to
find relief for the condition. After the cavitation cleansing
process, his Munieres is no more, that is, he's not have a recurrence
in the past 6 months.

It seems the bacteria produces produces problems in the body that have
no apparent causal relationship to the condition being treated and
those toxins can produce responses in areas of the body far from the
source. So, will collect more info on this.


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