Re: Last Vanguard Sciences Roundtable Notes (part 1)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 20:39:12 -0500

Hi Jim!

Thanks for the info on the RUE spice/herb.

As to what happened to Vendyl Jones - he goes Ark hunting every year
around late December...he says this is because the caves (cave of the
column) are even during winter about 115 degrees), during the summer,
one would die from the heat.

I heard he got a divorce from Zahava and haven't spoken with him now in
about 3 years or so. It would be interesting to hear his views on
Graham Hancocks' claim that he traced the Ark of the Covenant to Axun,
Ethiopia, where Solomons illegitmate son was a prince and where he took
the Ark after leaving a copy with the Levites back in Israel.

There was another group who claimed to have found secret chambers
beneath the rock on the mount, where they took photos and some video of
what they say is the ARK, all its appertenances and such...the photos
were published in a full color coffee table type book several years ago.

I asked Vendyl what he thought of the claims and book, he said it was
all bogus, the guys used movie props and doctored them for the photos.

Don't know the name of the book, though at the time it was posted in the
KeelyNet messages...a contact in Arizona said he had the book and the
pictures were very clear and well lighted, lending credence to Vendyls
statement, after all, if this stuff had been in a sealed crypt, wouldn't
they be musty, spider webbed and not very well lit??

My interest in the ARK remains in Graham Hancocks quote from the high
priest who asked him if he realized the 'mysterious power of the ark',
when Hancock asked what that meant, the priest asked him if he had seen
the valley of the stellae, he said yes, the priest said they were
erected (some 110 foot tall single stone obelisks) using the 'celestial
fire that comes from the ARK' tie that in with the Dendera crypt
photos of the two men holding the 2 foot diameter, 5 foot long vacuum
tubes with snakes inside them, and connected by a cable to a central
'djet' (capacitor)....heads up!!

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187