Upside down magnetic fields & plants

Ted Gallop ( )
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 13:46:13

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

>Further experiments showed that life will instinctually move away from
>South pole magnetic fields. Chickens grown under this field were mean,
>fought all the time, has sex an awful lot, were stupid and very dirty,
>they also were very physically very large.
>Of note, most of civilization comes from above the equator...on the
>Northern side of the planet. I know, it sounds contentious but I'm just
>recounting an observation I had read with regard to this South pole
>energy. (Sorry, Ren, Bill and you other folks in NZ, BR, and AU..<g>..)

Jerry, the fact that the North Pole of magnets and compasses on the earth's
surface point north, indicates that the north pole is actually giving out
"South Pole" magnetic forces. I'm afraid it is you lot up there "on top of
the world" that have to submit to these field effects.

Are you very physically large Jerry??? ;-)

Ted Gallop