Re: John Bajak's Device

Steve ( )
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 17:29:15 -0400


It is also worthy of note that many of the reports of free energy
devices, when in operation and drawing 'negative energy' also
produce phenomena relating to weight loss and temporal alterations.

Years ago, Tom Bearden told me of an experiment he and an unnamed
researcher had carried out using a scalar generated from
interferometry. Two projectors were aimed to coincide at a fixed
point in space. When power was applied and the frequency/phase was
adjusted, there was no apparent change in the target area.

After some time had elapsed, the two went to get something to eat.
When they came back a few hours later, it was observed that a black
'something' like a slit or opening had appeared at the target area.

Because they were working in a totally unknown area and for fear
that 'something' might come through this slit once it opened up,
they discontinued the experiment.

A couple of years later, while visiting Peter Kelly at his lab in
Georgia, he admitted he was the other researcher and verified
Beardens report. A couple of years later, after we both spoke at a
conference in Denver and on the plane back to Dallas, I told Peter
about an interesting experiment done by Walter Russell and recounted
in his excellent book 'Atomic Suicide'.

Two coils were wound on cones. The apices of these conical coils were
pointed towards each other and power was applied so that bucking
fields were created by the collision of opposite magnetic fields.

Very fine iron filings were dropped into the gap between the coils and
a levitating sphere was produced. When the coils were slowly pulled
apart, an oval followed by a sphere surrounded by a disk appeared.

When Peter arrived home, he tried this experiment and reported that
when power was turned on, nearly eveyone in the building complained
of feeling nauseous or queasy. He explained that an experiment was
going on so that everyone would understand what was happening.

After about an hour, the very clear and cloudless sky began to
suddenly boil up and a major thunderstorm ensued. Power was removed
from the coils and the storm dissipated as fast as it had arisen???


Has anyone tried to duplicate either of these experiments?Also.. could anyone explain what exactly this means:"a scalar generated from interferometry." I've been studyingcaduceus coils for a couple years now, but haven't done anyserious research on them yet. Can anyone offer any insight intocad coils vs. an interferometer for creating "scalars"?


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