Dimensional Shifts - 02/14/97

by Jerry W. Decker for KeelyNet
'a series of speculations on time and dimensional travel'

Over the years, I've read articles and heard stories that refer to unusual phenomena relating to experiments with high energy concentrations in a 'constrained' area. This energy can be in the form of high concentrations of sound, electricity, magnetism, etc..

At this point in time, my thinking is that a direct current (unmodulated - not alternating) produces a stress on the fabric of space in a local area. This stress, when produced using an untuned energy source, could be thought of as a water hose, shooting water out the end with no one holding the end of it. The hose would move all over the place, much like the 'water wiggle' toy.

Each spatial (and possibly TEMPORAL) location, no matter what dimension it resides in, has a specific coordinate, referenced by a combination of frequencies that equate to the 'signature' for that location.

These are nested frequencies - like bubbles within bubbles - because they are all standing waves produced by 180 degree phase conjugation.

If a modulation - representing a specific 'signature'/coordinate - is imposed on this stress field, then a portal is opened to that location. My concept is that a resonance is established between these two locations (there can be more), i.e. the physical-spatial location and the artifically created image.

When a tuning fork is struck, a fork tuned to the same frequency will resonate with the excited fork, rapidly achieving an energy equilibrium between the two. Once this equilibrium is established, there is an energy transfer, almost in a holographic sense which phaselocks the two forks. This can occur between any two resonant spaces or objects.

By adjusting the amplitude of the vibration between the two resonant bodies/spaces, an energy flow can be established in either direction between them. High amplitude always flows to low amplitude in the natural attempt to achieve equilibrium, thus creating a flow between the bodies/spaces.

Once a resonance is established, I believe a mass can be caught up in this flow and physically transported between two resonant spaces. I am of the opinion that the claims of 'time travel' are much closer to being a dimensional shift where multiple realities exist within the same spatial location, yet slightly out of phase (alternate realities/dimensions).

By tuning to these alternate spatial, temporal or dimensional realities, creating a flow and then sustaining it, an object would shift to that location. In his book, 'The Excalibur Briefing' Tom Bearden refers to these alternate realities and the appearance in our reality of phenomena he refers to as 'tulpoids'.

These tulpoids include UFOs, bigfoot, Nessie and other Fortean manifestations of short duration, yet some of which leave physical evidence of having been here.

What if these are entities from an alternate reality caught in a momentary flow to be forcibly transported to our world? They would be lost and confused, probably antagonistic due to fear.

The question then arises as to where do they go if they appear here, that is, why don't they STAY here? When one of these alternate reality entities gets caught up in a high density energy field, it is 'charged' with the 'coordinate/signature' of the field.

For a short time, this signature overcomes its natural 'creation coordinate' and the entity transports to an alternate reality. The now charged entity wanders around in its new reality bleeding off energy which was absorbed and MAINTAINS its contact with the new reality. Once the energy has dissipated to a point allowing the entities natural 'creation coordinate' to resume, it transports BACK to its home reality.

One of the comments made in the infamous Billy Meier UFO case was in the form of a question Billy asked one of the Pleidians. The response has always fascinated me because it indicated an understanding far beyond what an itinerant Swiss farmer would normally be aware.

After one of the ships had taken off, the typical circular swirls of the grass where the ship was remained for as long as a year. The grass continued to grow in a swirling pattern. (yes, I know, here we go with crop circles, but bear with this, its important)

When Meier asked about this, he was told that the South pole CCW rotation of their ships field had 'remodulated' the natural energy field (the aura) of the grass. As a result, the grass was charged with this pattern. The grass continued to grow in the swirling pattern until the artifically imposed field dissipated to a point where the natural field of the earth would resume and the grass would grow normally.

Taking all this into consideration, the question then arises, how do we accomplish dimensional shifts under controlled conditions?

Alan Holt's Field Resonance Concepts

In line with this idea of resonant transfer are two excellent papers by Alan Holt of NASA. A new propulsion concept has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics).

The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distent space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns.

Using this concept, a spacecraft "propulsion" system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive "travel times" has been designed.

The following interesting bits of unverified and highly suspect info add to this line of thinking.

The Mandala/Mantra Connection

Incunabula Files refers to a mandala/mantra coordinate system which is used to transport the subject to one of unlimited parallel, other reality Earths. The principle applies to mass transfer from one set of coordinates to another set of coordinates.

The Missouri Connection

Thu Nov 28 2:27:39 AM PST 1996 Mike Marcum, the Missouri guy who made News of the Weird in 1995 after he stole six power company transformers he said were necessary to make his time machine (so he could find out the winning lottery number and come back and buy a ticket), called a radio show from Nevada in October 1996 and said he was only 30 days away from finishing his invention. His Missouri landlord had evicted him for various electrical misadventures in his apartment.

The Michigan Experiment

Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 22:37:19 - 0600
From: Barbara Flick
Via : forteana@lists.primenet.com
To: Jerry Decker

Dear Jerry,

Today on the telephone with a friend in Northern California, I was informed about a man in the State of Michigan who had invented a "time machine." This man had supposedly worked on the legendary Philadelphia Experiment and informed his friends and confidants that he "knew what he was doing."

He set up these five 300-pound magnets in a circle and had them super-energized with electric currents. He put a cat in the center of the circle, and the cat disappeared. Then he put a goat in the circle, and the goat also disappeared into the mists of time.

Finally, he got into the center of the circle himself, and he, too, disappeared into "another dimension," never to reappear again. Anybody else heard anything more about this? Or is it just another "old wives' tale"?

According to my California friend, this supposedly happened quite recently; and he is going to try to find out more information about it, such as the man's name and where this "experiment" is said to have taken place. I will post a follow-up of anything else of pertinence about this matter.

(from Jerry at KeelyNet: Is this the same Missouri Guy? I posted a message on the Forteana list asking who posted this or if there was more info on the subject, but nothing was posted in response.)

The Russian Experiment

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 20:26:16 -0 800
From: alex@frolov.spb.ru (Alex Frolov)
Subject: Re: June 1996 Proceedings "New Ideas in Natural Sciences", contents
From: Jerry Decker
Organization: KeelyNet

Hi Dr. Frolov!

Please reserve a copy of the book for me. Should the fund transfer be $60 in cashier check, international money order or what? The topic list was quite intriguing..

One other point, you mentioned a fellow who invented a time machine? Is this fact? How has he proven it and have others experimented with it or duplicated the research? Thank you for your time and assistance!

Dear Jerry W. Decker, Yes, I reserved a copy of Proceedings for you. Payment is possible by Western Union in St.-Petersburg, for Mr. Alexander V. Frolov. To get the money from Western Union office I must know the control number of your transfer. Other way is bank transfer in my account:

About the time machine: There is a Mr. Vadim Chernobrov in Moscow. He is a PhD and in his dissertation at the Moscow Aviation Institute he is considering the electromagnetic propulsion drive for flying system. He is working with UFO facts also.

He has collected a great database (over 1500 people) working with perpetuum mobiles, antigravitation devices and chronogenerators of different types. I am very honored to have a direct contact with him.

On December 10-11 he and other persons organized in the Russian Parlament the conference for ecological commission and their main topic was the real possibility for cleaning up of the enviroment by means of new alternative energy technologies.

Chernobrov's paper on his experiments to change the rate of time is published in our Proceedings. In several words: He used electromagnets installed so as to produce several spherical envelopes:one envelope is installed inside of another and the entire system is a multi-envelope structure like the russian toy called the "matrioshka". (nested dolls) The goal is to make a special type electromagnetic field that is moving from periphery to central point. The shift of rate of time in such a system is very small: several seconds per one hour of experiment.

Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37,
St. Petersburg, 193024

The Dallas Connection

Reply-To: forteana@lists.primenet.com

Hi Juergen!

Yes, I have a hard time with it, but there are numerous correlations with free energy and antigrav experiments that indicate something deeper here. From the posts I've seen on Forteana, maybe one in 30 is worth any thought, but I thought I'd give it a shot since the Michigan story came from there. I plan to include the newspaper articles, the Forteana post and some other material on my website since many of our people are techies and quite open to such wild claims.

If no one ever investigates, we might miss the boat just because it looks too wild when considered from an orthodox science standpoint....so I don't mind bridging between the two....bottomline, it works or it doesn't. Now, where to get 5-300 pound magnets....

You know, from your posts that I've seen on Forteana, I did not think too highly, but I do appreciate you responding to me directly and to 'some' degree open to further investigation on the subject. Maybe it was just 'in kind' posts that portrayed you in this light.....

I have a friend who knew the owner of an electronics company. This man was very intrigued by high density magnetic fields. One day he built a transformer on a motorcycle type frame and installed a 'dead man switch' which would disable the power if the switch was released.

With his technicians running the machine, the owner sat on the frame and the power was applied. I have no idea if it was DC or a special freq AC. After about 3 minutes, the man began looking around the room as if he were seeing something different or new...shortly after, his body began to shimmer as if disappearing. It was at this point, he released the switch and the power went off.

He reported that the walls of the room began to melt away, showing a pristine, undeveloped landscape as if the city and this building had never been there. One of the fellow techs was chomping at the bit to ride this thing.

The owner finally agreed only after the tech signed a medical and legal release in the event anything bad happened to him. He sat on the frame, power was applied and nothing happened until about 3 minutes had elapsed. This guy began looking around, just like the owner had, and his body began to shimmer. He did not release the switch.

As more time elapsed, the mans' body disappeared from view, yet the dead man switch was STILL BEING PRESSED. After 5 minutes, the owner had the other techs turn off the power.

The rider reappeared, babbling and drooling, totally insane. The machine is supposed to be locked up in the owners garage and he has moved to Colorado. I know this sounds like so much BS, but there is more that I won't bother you with at this time.

Something is going on here that is beyond urban folklore. Thanks for your interest, perhaps when I get a file compiled for my website, we can collect other correlative information that might give further insight into an experiment.

Personally, I would NOT step into a zone that caused me to disappear...where do you go and can you get back? Currently, I believe it is possible that we could go to one of many alternate Earths, totally undeveloped and which followed a different timeline.

How cool, millions of other Earths', coexisting slightly out of phase with us, wonder if thats where Judge Crater, the Mayans and all those missing people and cultures disappear to? Seeya!

The Florida Connection - Mental Shifts

NOTE: This was from a conversation I had several years ago, so the details might be a bit fuzzy....>>> Jerry

Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland.

A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland. The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this 'third eye' business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.

Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.

The second week, the same ghostly figure moved through the room and glanced toward Walter as he passed through. This time, the figure appeared to have slightly more detail, not quite so ghostly.

The third week, busy working on documents, Walter noticed a change in the room. When he looked up, the wall had dissolved away and he was looking at a small hill where a man and woman sat beneath a tree. It was the same ghostly male figure who he'd seen on the other occasions. He sat quite still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes.

The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled. It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.

In conversations about this, with Walter and other interested people, it was mentioned that there is a theory that we have multiple energy bodies, much like the KA and the BA of ancient Egypt. Each energy body lives in another reality, yet communicates with our consciousness here in this reality.

Another comment was that consciousness simply creates an energy body in whatever reality it VISITS. Prolonged presence in a given reality increases the density of the energy body, moving from a phantom, ghostly form that was at first not easily perceptible to the inhabitants of the other reality until the intruding energy body had become sufficiently dense to trigger their senses.

That could explain why repeated exposures would add density to Walter's other reality body, allowing its denizens to perceive him, thus the startled reaction from the male figure.

The Philadelphia Experiment
as a Resonant Field Transfer Experiment

Al Bielek & his Claims

Important sections about clocking of mass to a planetary body to establish and lockin the 'creation coordinate' AND the ability to access any spatial (NOT TEMPORAL) location visited prior to the present.

The Resonant Gravity Field Coil
or : how to manipulate reality

Final Comments

A key concern is how to determine where you would go if a machine actually existed which COULD send or retrieve a subject from one of these alternate realities.

Possibly remote viewing techniques could be used to visit various realities from a mental standpoint ONLY and determine the coordinates necessary to get to a desired reality in a physical form.

The Incunabula files refer to the use of an Egg that takes advantage of sensory deprivation. When the correct 2 dimensional image (mandala) with its matching 3 dimensional image (mantra) is projected into an individual, a point of energy charge is achieved which produces the shift.

Using a series of coils to create a zone of very high flux density would establish the loose, untuned portal as indicated in several of the above paragraphs. If a modulation is introduced, especially bearing the signature representative of the coordinates necessary, then transfer in a physical sense might well be possible.

Also worthy of attention is the ancient Kabbalistic idea of the MerKaBa and the use of the Tree of Life as a map to these other realities. From my limited understanding of the MerKaBa, it is claimed to be a mentally constructed vehicle that is used by the aspirant to carry (and protect) its occupant as it travels through the different worlds. For info on the MerKaBa, check out

http://bbs.cruzio.com/~flower/1m m3.htm
http://bbs.cruzio.com/~flower/1m m2.htm

There are also indications that it is the RATIO of each frequency to another within a specific signature that is the ONLY important consideration, frequency is irrelevant since all frequencies relate to others through octaves and harmonics.

It is also worthy of note that many of the reports of free energy devices, when in operation and drawing 'negative energy' also produce phenomena relating to weight loss and temporal alterations.

Years ago, Tom Bearden told me of an experiment he and an unnamed researcher had carried out using a scalar generated from interferometry. Two projectors were aimed to coincide at a fixed point in space. When power was applied and the frequency/phase was adjusted, there was no apparent change in the target area.

After some time had elapsed, the two went to get something to eat. When they came back a few hours later, it was observed that a black 'something' like a slit or opening had appeared at the target area.

Because they were working in a totally unknown area and for fear that 'something' might come through this slit once it opened up, they discontinued the experiment. A couple of years later, while visiting Peter Kelly at his lab in Georgia, he admitted he was the other researcher and verified Beardens report.

A couple of years later, after we both spoke at a conference in Denver and on the plane back to Dallas, I told Peter about an interesting experiment done by Walter Russell and recounted in his excellent book 'Atomic Suicide'. Two coils were wound on cones.

The apices of these conical coils were pointed towards each other and power was applied so that bucking fields were created by the collision of opposite magnetic fields. Very fine iron filings were dropped into the gap between the coils and a levitating sphere was produced.

When the coils were slowly pulled apart, an oval followed by a sphere surrounded by a disk appeared. When Peter arrived home, he tried this experiment and reported that when power was turned on, nearly eveyone in the building complained of feeling nauseous or queasy. He explained that an experiment was going on so that everyone would understand what was happening.

After about an hour, the very clear and cloudless sky began to suddenly boil up and a major thunderstorm ensued. Power was removed from the coils and the storm dissipated as fast as it had arisen??? Weird stuff no doubt and subject to duplication by others if we all share our information...... Jerry

Needless to say, I would appreciate your constructive or correlative comments and observations on this subject! Thanks!