Re: Earth Vibration Frequency? Gravitational Frequency?

Wm Perry ( (no email) )
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 21:52:05 -1000

I have heard that the fundamental freq of Earth Vibration is around 7.68 Hz.
Interesting to note that the ELF transmitter sites in wisconson and michigan
operate at 76Hz. (tenth Harmonic)
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Gallop <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 9:05 PM
Subject: Earth Vibration Frequency? Gravitational Frequency?

>Hi All,
>First of all, thanks to all who helped me with my search for info on the
>Tacoma Bridge disintegration. I got lots of pics, and a few different
>theories too.
>I would like a few comments from the list on the following three points if
>it isn't too much trouble.
>(a) I have in mind producing some sound vibrations that would be 'in tune'
>with the earth. I have read a lot on this and a lot of different
>frequencies are quoted. Does anyone out there have a view on which of these
>is 'correct' or any other numbers they would like to toss in the ring. In
>particular my research is to do with anti-gravity. So you can add
>vibrations that would be 'in tune' with the earth's gravitational force as
>well. (would they be the same?).
>(b) Also I would appreciate any suggestions on what sort of machine would
>be best to produce such vibrations. I would prefer something I can just
>plug in. I'm not that handy at building things. It would have to be able to
>produce as near as possible a 'pure' note (i.e. one with as few tones as
>possible), as well as have accurate frequency controls and displays.
>(c) Unfortunately any point source produces a circular wave front. I want
>to produce a flat (straight line) wave front about 4 to 6 feet wide, so the
>traditional speaker would, I think, be of little use in this regard. The
>only idea I can come up with is to use a parabolic reflector (like a
>searchlight does with light) to produce a straight front, but this might
>interfere too much with the clarity of the note. I'm not sure if there are
>any other ways. Any ideas?
>Ted Gallop
>Ted Gallop
>Information Manager
>University Planning Office
>Curtin University of Technology
>Phone: +61 8 9266 2246 Fax: +61 8 9266 2109
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