Earth Vibration Frequency? Gravitational Frequency?

Ted Gallop ( )
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:05:32

Hi All,

First of all, thanks to all who helped me with my search for info on the
Tacoma Bridge disintegration. I got lots of pics, and a few different
theories too.

I would like a few comments from the list on the following three points if
it isn't too much trouble.

(a) I have in mind producing some sound vibrations that would be 'in tune'
with the earth. I have read a lot on this and a lot of different
frequencies are quoted. Does anyone out there have a view on which of these
is 'correct' or any other numbers they would like to toss in the ring. In
particular my research is to do with anti-gravity. So you can add
vibrations that would be 'in tune' with the earth's gravitational force as
well. (would they be the same?).

(b) Also I would appreciate any suggestions on what sort of machine would
be best to produce such vibrations. I would prefer something I can just
plug in. I'm not that handy at building things. It would have to be able to
produce as near as possible a 'pure' note (i.e. one with as few tones as
possible), as well as have accurate frequency controls and displays.

(c) Unfortunately any point source produces a circular wave front. I want
to produce a flat (straight line) wave front about 4 to 6 feet wide, so the
traditional speaker would, I think, be of little use in this regard. The
only idea I can come up with is to use a parabolic reflector (like a
searchlight does with light) to produce a straight front, but this might
interfere too much with the clarity of the note. I'm not sure if there are
any other ways. Any ideas?

Ted Gallop

Ted Gallop
Information Manager
University Planning Office
Curtin University of Technology
Phone: +61 8 9266 2246 Fax: +61 8 9266 2109