J.G. Gillemore; theory for everythign...?

ryb ( ashita@dsuper.net )
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:51:56 -0500

J.G. Gillmore published ,I think had 3 books published by Health
Research of Molumneke(?) California...
Are they still available ?

Apparently his 2nd book about health and energy is the most
interesting... I remember reading about it-tha the,in his 2nd
book,talked about Abrams and how to contruct radionic/oscilloblast
devices;gave the different frequencies(waves...) for a variety of

But most interestingly he stated that Maxwell's equations,the
original ones,not those distorted by the mathematicians that did not
understand what he as talking about,explained overunity as well as why
radionics did work..That Tesla DID understand those said equations...and
that given the parts and $200-$300(in 76 ?)a viable o/u motor could be
built and demonstrated by he,Gillmore(?)

I am still wondering why many on this list keep ignoring his
findings...that HEALTH & O/U are interrelated...

In regards for a theory of everything-I think this might be an Achille's
heel to many inventors trying to be the next
Galiloe,Newton,whatever...Heck, if Tesla waited for the theory he would
have never made most of his experiences...

Maybe this is the number 1 bug affliciting too many inventors
nowadays...as th state of affairs are,no matter WHAT,their therories
will never be officilaly recognized by the scientific
establishment.Heck,Tesla invented Radio and Marconi is credited with it
,this despite a Court's decision !

So,let us say Newman's motor catch on and in 50 yrs from now become
the de facto motors...-students will read tha tthis o/u principle was
disovered by emeretious perfessor that won a Nobel prize for it and oh
yes,the name Newman referred to a "mechanic" that popularised the
acceptance of the motor by selling it allong with a host of other
pioneers..100 yrs from now Newman's name will be forgotten and the motor
known as the N-motor but the name of the said perfessor that "discovered
it" will be in abiorapll textbooks,he will have buildings named after
him,a sort of museum about him, cited as an example to the youth of that

So much for human folly !
