Re: Returning to this List with TOMI questions

Roger Weichert ( (no email) )
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 00:27:20 +1030

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, 4 February 1999 5:04
Subject: Returning to this List with TOMI questions

>Hi Jerry and Everyone,
>The last time I was on this mailing list KeelyNet was still a BBS!
>I've checked out the web site a few times since then for specific info
>on the Tampere experiments. Lately I've been thinking about the TOMI
>device (you know, the magnetic roller that would go up and down two
>ramps) and whatever happened to the inventor


G'day Paul and all,

The inventor was a Richard Harris if I remember correctly.

Sorry I cant help you with the copper tube bending problem but I would
certainly encourage you to continue experimenting with the circular track.

I also feel there must be an answer to closing the loop, with gravity being
at least part of it. I spent considerable time building a circular TOMI
which doesnt work yet ( man! that's wishfull thinking)

Anyway, my approach was to put an axle thru the roller with a length of
plastic conduit extending to a pivot in the centre of the device. It is BIG,
like 1 metre in diam. The magnets are donut types out of microwave oven
magnetrons, approx 50 mm in diam.

I used a router to cut a groove in the particle board base(in a circle),
then I cut a ramp out of heavy duty cardboard and bent it to fit in the

The idea is that the roller runs up and down on this seasaw profile
cardboard as it travels around. The anchor in the centre keeps it from
getting off track and I can easily cut different profile tracks for
different experiments, plus slide the track in the groove fwd. or back etc.

I can get it to quite deliberately run down and then up 4 ramps in a row
(there's 8 ramps to complete the loop) but no more. Problem is I dont have
enough magnets yet, but from what I've seen I'm not really that confidant
that it will work as I had hoped.

The reason I say this is that if I set up 5 ramps then try & start it at the
end of the 1st ramp, the pull of the magnets from the 1st ramp prevent it
from dropping down into the start of the 2nd ramp. If I give it a push it
will go but....... Still as I collect a few more magnets I'll give it a
bit more of a go.

All the best with your attempt.
Regards Roger Weichert.