Re: gas from coal

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:45:13 -0600

Hi Jim et al!

With regard to the upcoming documentary as in;
> Scheduled in the early part of March of this year, there will be a TV
> documentary of the opening of the newest underground chamber at the
> Giza complex.

You wrote;
> ....part of Art Bell's show tonight, and if I heard him correctly,
> Richard Hoagland has something to do with that documentary.

The snippet I saw of it on ET showed John Anthony West saying he thought
the pyramids, etc. could well have been built by an alien race. It also
showed Graham Hancock stating similar ideas.

I didn't see or hear anything about Hoagland in the bit they showed but
I know there is 'some antipathy' as they think he is out of his league
suddenly getting into pyramidology as the Martian material becomes
stagnant. That's what Cheyenne had said as she kept in touch with all
of them....that's been about a year or more ago.

I had a chance to meet John West through Cheyenne when she sponsored him
to speak in Dallas, however, I missed the opportunity to meet Hancock.
West was very interesting and super polite, not in the least snooty or
enamoured of himself.

I gave him a printout of the DIADEM image that was I found in a 19th
century (about 1860) Scientific American. It claimed to be a drawing of
a stone section of a diadem that was found between the paws of the
Sphinx when unearthed at that time. He was interested in it and
recognized several of the symbols on the diadem.

I've always thought it would be cool to get someone who could draw worth
a flip to extrapolate on the rest of the diadem and attach it to the
head or a redrawn Sphinx, so we could all see what it REALLY looked like
before Napoleon and others damages it so badly. The Sphinx is really
MUCH SMALLER than you would think when you are next to it.

I guess I should post that with an open invitation for someone to expand
on the diadem as it would look on a restored Sphinx. What is so cool,
there is a hole in the head about 7 feet deep which is claimed to have
been the mounting stem for something...that diadem would have been the
something....I don't know if it has been filled in with all the
additional work on it.

I can't recall ever seeing a diadem on any of the Egyptian art and
pictographs I've seen to date. To my mind adding credence to the idea
that some culture far more advanced than the Egyptians preceded them.
They lost the technical abilities as their culture became subsumed by
war and they were taken over.

Well, figured I should post it so if you want to see the Sphinx Diadem
section, check out;

Interesting how the Chinese have always avoided losing their cultural
identity, simply by bending like a reed, allowing themselves to be
conquered, then absorbing their conquerors over time as they eventually
reverted back to their own native Chinese culture. Neat approach...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187