Re: Gravity

Dusty Rhodes ( )
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:20:52 -0600

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Mercury144 has no idea how much I wish I knew the answer to that one.
Just to clarify, we are talking gravities here, not atmospheres?

Just curious,

Mercury144 wrote:

> Does anyone know how I might increase gravity over a designated
> area, or just the gravity of an object about 5 to 10 times normal
> gravity? I'm needing this information for an experiment that MUST be
> conducted in about 5 to 10 times normal gravity.

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Mercury144 has no idea how much I wish I knew the answer to that one. Justto clarify, we are talking gravities here, not atmospheres?

Just curious,

Mercury144 wrote:

    Does anyone know how I might increase gravity over a designated area, orjust the gravity of an object about 5 to 10 times normal gravity? I'm needingthis information for an experiment that MUST be conducted in about 5 to10 times normal gravity.
