The Sphinx Diadem - 05/23/94

This file was originally posted on the KeelyNet BBS on 05/23/94 under the filename of DIADEM.ASC in the UNCLASS section.

A bit of curiosa from the April 11, 1896 Scientific American. We at KeelyNet agree with the contentions in the document CANYON that many of our "institutions" are suppressing or otherwise hiding discoveries or information relating to our past for reasons unknown.

This is something we came across that could be a hoax, yet is worth investigating if anyone out there in cyberland has the resources or contacts to check it out. We would appreciate feedback on this since it originated at KeelyNet. A copy of this file and diagram were given to John Anthony West by Jerry Decker when he lectured to the Electic Viewpoint in Dallas.

I don't have the time to show a before and after image of the Sphinx WITH such a Diadem ATTACHED, so if anyone out there can work up such a set of images, I'd be most grateful if you'd let us add them to the file for others to study. Thanks...>>> Jerry

An Interesting Archeological Discovery

We have received the following letter from Mr. George E. Raum, late of San Francisco:

Cairo, Egypt, February 29, 1896
To the Editor of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN :

Dear Sir: I enclose a rough sketch of a portion of the rock crown of the Sphinx found by me.

This portion of the stone crown or diadem of the Sphinx was found at the bottom of the temple, between the forepaws, on February 26, 1896.

Originally this stone crown was in all probability ten feet broad and as high again, with a stone stem seven feet long, which fitted into the perpendicular hole in its head, to hold it on. We now know how the Sphinx originally looked.

Yours Truly, GEORGE E. RAUM

This discovery of Col. Raum is of great interest, though the statement of the find has been received with incredulity in some quarters. The arguments of the gentlement who are inclined to disbelieve in the authenticity of the stone found are NOT convincing, being principally based on the fact that the temple has been excavated by several modern explorers - Caviglia, Mariette, and M. Maspero.
Again, others state that "it is not usual to hear of holes 'drilled' by the ancients in their monuments," but the Egyptians worked hard stones with bronze saws set with corundum or diamonds, and for tubular drilling they had tools like our modern diamond rock drills (see Engineering, XXXVII, page 282).

Another point which has been made is that there are THREE LOTUS COLUMNS on the cap. This is more reasonable criticism and may possibly be satisfactorily explained. The fallibility of Egyptologists is well known, but until some really convincing proof is brought forward, IT IS PROBABLY SAFE TO BELIEVE that the marked stone found by Mr. Raum is the cap or diadem of the Sphinx.

The Egyptian Sphinx was usually an emblematic figure representative of a king, and may be considered, when with the head of a man and the body of a lion, as the union of intellect and physical force.

The Great Pyramid of Sphinx lies about 1,800 feet southeast of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. It is a recumbent androsphinx, or man-headed lion, hewn out of a natural eminence in the solid rock. Owing to certain defects in the rock, these faults were remedied by a partial stone casing, the legs being likewise added.

The addition of these pieces militates against the argument that the cap so recently found could not have belonged to the Sphinx, as it did not form a part of the solid rock.

An excellent idea of this hoary monument of antiquity may be obtained from the engraving in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, No. 864. The Sphinx has been variously measured. The figures given by Mr. E. L. Wilson are length, 155 feet; height from the base, 63 feet.

Between the paws is a temple (?) which speedily fills up with sand after being excavated. It is considered that the Sphinx is older than the Great Pyramid. Various interpretations have been given to this boldy sculptured figure which rises out of the waste of sands. Cambyses mutilated the face of the Sphinx, and it may have been at this time that it LOST ITS CAP.

The brow of the Sphinx is nearly 14 feet broad; so the cap, which is 4 feet 6 inches long at the bottom, probably only formed the tip of the cap, as stated by Mr. Raum. Col. Raum obtained permission to excavate in and around the Pyramids and Sphinx from the Egyptian government. He came upon the cap at a depth of fourteen or fifteen feet below the surface in the temple (?) between the forepaws.

The stone is painted red in the decorations, as was in order, as the countenance of the Sphinx was ORIGINALLY OF A REDDISH HUE.

The cap is irregular in shape, measuring 2 feet 2 inches at the top and 4 feet 6 inches at the bottom; on the left side, from top to bottom. It measures 2 feet 8 inches. The left side has a conventional decoration.

In the center are three lotus columns and a fish, on the right side is a portion of the sun's disk. The wonderful discoveries conducted by Mr. L. De Morgan, at Dahshur, Egypt, are described in the current issue of the SUPPLEMENT. The tomb of Queen Khnemit was unearthed by the discoverer and a beautiful golden crown and other ornaments of elaborate workmanship were found.

If you might have artistic ability and would like to extrapolate what the diadem would look like on the Sphinx, we here at KeelyNet would love to append such a version to this file. Please send any such graphic revisions to Jerry Decker - Thanks!