Indian Vedic Science & related Links

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 23:56:41 -0500

Hi Folks!

Met an interesting Indian engineer who knows much about the Vedas and is
as fascinated as I am with how to duplicate some of the phenomena
mentioned in the Rig Veda, the Mahabarta and other ancient Indian texts.
So, I did some hunting and here are some intriguing links that you folks
might find of interest also;
Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology

Shivambu - Auto-Urine Therapy


New Perspectives on Vedic & Ancient Indian Civilization (Archaeology,
History, Science & Philosophy) - To be held at 'California State
University, Northridge' Sponsored by: California State University
Northridge - August 7 (Friday) - 9 (Sunday), 1998

Hindu Mythology and other links

Ayurvedic Medicine

On the relevance of Vedic Science to modern times

Ayurveda as a way of life

Request for contact to discuss what part India will play in the world

Vedic Mathematics (might be a major key to the true science)

Vedic sutras and vedas contain all useful knowledge

Medical Astrology

Cosmic heat as described in the Vedas

Steps being taken to correct Indian History as presented in the West

Vedic Science and its influence on Nikola Tesla

Transhuman contact in the Vedic Civilization (best details linked!!!!)

Releasing Vedic Insights

Vedic architecture and Feng Shui

test page for seeing a mantra that plays through your computer

Aryans and the Vedic age

Vedic Culture

Manifestation of Kali in the Universe
The job of Kali is to devour the ignorance of static non-creation and
re-create Universe with new potential for mani-festation. Left to its
own, Siva would freeze up the Universe in a cage of entropy. This is
known to physicists as the "Heat death of Universe". Heat is not a
substance, not an energy. It is a process, "The transference of energy
by virtue of a difference in temperature".

Great document about the Wild Side of GeoArcheology

Interesting comment on Vedic knowledge being introduced TOO FAST

Excellent comments on true disciples
Subject: At the Core of Mass is Time's Energy
Date: 1998/05/14
Message-ID: <6jeojf$t9o$>
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I have read many of the articles/theories posted on this site and think
that many of your problems concerning Time and Matter could be solved
through a deeper understanding of the ancient myths.

Consider this:

In her work with the ancient Vedic myths, Ms. Norelli-Bachelet relates
the principles of her cosmic realization to the classic cosmogonic myth
known as the, 'Churning of the Milky Ocean at the Dawn of Time'. It
tells the tale of an act of churning which results from the eternal
struggle of two powerful forces, the gods and the titans. The churning
takes place on the back of a tortoise upon which the god Vishnu conducts
the operation. The churning myth illustrates the 'alchemical' process
between two opposing forces which generates the passage from chaos to
cosmos. The most important aspect of the churning tale is the creation
of an axial alignment, a stable point around which the dynamic motion
occurs. In the process of churning, treasures emerge like butter rising
from the working of the cream. Gifts appear which can only come into
being through the dynamism of the creative process. Alchemically, this
means that at the core of mass it is Time's energy which can be found
and then released and this is what permits the 'treasures' to arise.

'The [Churning of the Milky Ocean] myth is concerned primarily with
establishing the central role of the Axis in creation... For this is the
meaning of the myth; it is the birth of that which moves, and hence of
Time as it evolves in our material universe from the seed of itself.
This simple tale in fact sheds light on the very structure of form.
Indeed this, it must be stated, is the purpose of the myth. And this
feature pertains to macrocosms as well as microcosms. It pertains as
well to the primordial age as well as to the stages of cosmic evolution
well beyond the so-called 'Big Bang'. But was there ever any such thing
as a Big Bang? According to the myth creation did not come into being by
anything of the sort, and especially not through any process of collapse
of energy. It was simply the emergence of an axis and then the
conspiracy to set that 'churning'. That the myth refers to the
elaboration of the physical components of our universe is obvious from
the fact that it adopts the symbol of churning the Milky Ocean or the
Milky Way, and then from this motion gradually the treasures arise as
butter would from the curdled, churned creamy substance. Science must
then ask what the nature of an axis is and what are its origins. We are
of course aware that macrocosmic bodies do indeed posses axes and that
they 'churn away' around their fixed poles. But how did this come into
being in the first place? We seem to take for granted that axes always
existed or that in some way, unknown to us, they arose simultaneously
with the first crystallized substance. This hypothesis may not be
sufficient to understand the nature of our physical dimension because as
the ancient Vedic Seer realised in the dawn of history, the discovery of
the origin of an axis is essential both for the proper understanding of
the cosmic process and evolution, as well as the evolution of smaller
bodies and finally the human species. Given this central importance, the
axis is found in all cultural expressions which can trace their roots to
that original Vedic act of seeing.'

'Culture and Cosmos', The Vishaal Newsletter, Vol 8 /2, June 1993,
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
My article on Vedic Science and the Krell Helmet

Time reversed waves

Phase Conjugation

Saucer Songs and how music influences gravity

Tom Bearden on how to control gravity

The Aten Band and the ship of Heaven

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187