Maxwell Equations

Stephen L Heckman ( )
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 00:31:02 -0400

This is form the Freenrg list. I am also interested in this can anyone on
the list able to help?


Chris Gupta


In a recent post I ask about two references that I was looking for. The
reason that I was asking was both concerned Maxwell's Equations.

I have looked at Doug Sweetser's site which shows them in a quaternion
format, and I am looking at any other related info that discusses the
scalar term that Bearden talks so much about.

I do have Maxwell's books, if someone could pinpoint the pages that
actually discusses the scalar term in the equation it would be helpful. I
also have both Wittacker papers that also included some scalar info, but
I am progressing very slowly on my own in understanding the math.

Someone did post a URL that included "redshift" as part of the address,
but it didn't work for me.

Again, any references or suggestions would be appreciated.

Steve Heckman

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