Sound and Gravity - 03/09/97

Posted on the KeelyNet BBS as SAUCSONG.ASC on August 30th, 1989. Taken from "Flying Saucers Have Landed" by Leslie and Adamski 1953 This file is one of several which have been 'touchstones' to help me keep the faith that WE CAN DO GRAVITY CONTROL!... Jerry/KeelyNet


No matter how many vimanas (airships) come to light from Hindu, Brahmin, Sanskrit and Pali literature, the secret of the power that moved them silently or musically, or with a mighty roar, is still denied us.

Where can we search for a force that will carry a great aerial construction immense distances and to vast heights, without the use of fuel? Whoever heard of getting something for nothing - of power without loss or expenditure?

Until a few months ago such a thought was against all known laws of energy and its conservation, and any physicist would have told you politely and firmly that it was impossible, just as an eminent Professor once told Edison, when treated to an actual demonstration of the first talking machine. The learned Professor was deeply offended and insisted that Edison was employing some kind of ventriloquist's deceit, for everyone knew that sound could not be conserved - certainly not in little wax cylinders.

The Professor was proved wrong, and his spiritual heirs are now undergoing the same salutary experience since they have got into the higher realms of nuclear physics, where certain work - particularly that concerned with the hydrogen bomb - entails the actual 'creation' (actually, the conversion) of matter from energy.

The laws concerning the conservation of energy are now undergoing a substantial modification, but it will probably not be until about 1986 before their full significance is understood. But oddly enough, this mysterious Force made a brief re-appearance in New York, of all places, during the 1890s.

Overlooked in all the hustle and bustle with which Progress is progressing on its way, a lone inventor named John Worrell Keely, of Philadelphia, Pa., rediscovered this lost power and gave it the name `Dynaspheric Force.' Keely's experiments aroused considerable interest at the time, and the wealthy Barnato Brothers sent their representative, Ricardo Seaver, across the Atlantic to investigate his work.

This was long before anyone had produced a television set, discovered cosmic rays, or thought about conditions existing above the then current `Fourth State of Matter'.

Keely stated that, while investigating the magnetic forces flowing between the Earth's two poles, he had discovered that `corpuscles of matter could be divided by vibration'(1) and that he could apply this principle to drive a motor. For his demonstration to Seaver, Keely stood at one end of his New York laboratory; the motor was mounted at the other. Then he played a certain note on a violin, whereupon the 25 h.p. motor began to turn, gaining speed until it practically jumped its mountings.

It ran at this high speed during which time the inventor did nothing more. Eventually, to stop it, he again took the violin and played a discord, whereupon the Force seemed to be withdrawn and the motor came to a stop. The surprised visitor was then invited to try to start the machine himself using the same violin. At first he was unsuccessful, but when Keely touched him he was able to start and stop the engine.

Isn't this reminscent to some degree of Hamel's Magnetic Spinner and the Floyd Sweet VTA? Both quite possibly take advantage of the Bloch Wall, the equator of a magnet, dithering from one to the other to produce either mechanical motion or energy. What if, as claimed by Edward Leedskalnin - builder of the famous Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, there are tiny magnets which are essentially monopoles.

Strangely enough, the key seems to be that in normal large-scale magnets, like poles REPEL, however in micro-magnets, like poles ATTRACT. These tiny micro-magnets can be induced to flow in a POLAR and preferred direction to produce negation of weight. How did Leedskalnin discover this? By using what he claimed to be special sight, pressing on the side of the eye to amplify his vision, a process possibly used by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater in their psychic viewing of the geometric arrangements of the known elements in the late 1800's.... Jerry/KeelyNet

Why should this be? From the surviving Keely papers we read concerning a later motor: `At one time the shareholders of the Keely Motor Company put a man in his workshop for the express purpose of discovering his secret.

After six months of close watching, he said to J. W. Keely one day, "I know how it is done now." They had been setting the machine up together and Keely had been manipulating the stop-cock which turned the force on and off. "Try it then," was the answer. The man turned the cock and nothing happened. "Let me see you do it again," the man said to Keely. The latter complied, and the machinery operated at once. Again the other tried, but without success.

Then Keely put his hand on his shoulder and told him to try once more. He did so with the result of an instantaneous production of current. We see then, that in order to produce the required vibration Keely's personal vibration was needed.

The one problem which he never succeeded in solving was to produce a machine which would operate without the personal `vibration' or `will-power' of the operator.

Commenting on this, the author of THE SECRET DOCTRINE says: `It is just because Keely's discovery would lead to knowledge of one of the most occult secrets, a secret which can never be allowed to fall into the hands of the masses, that failure to push his discovery to its logical conclusions seems certain to Occultists...the results obtained from the fifth and sixth planes of the Etheric or Astral Force will never be permitted to serve for purposes of commerce and traffic.'

THE SECRET DOCTRINE goes on to confirm what I had already guessed - an easy guess: `If the question is asked why Mr. Keely was not allowed to pass a certain limit, the answer is easy; it was because what he had discovered was the terrible sidereal Force known to, and named by, the Atlanteans MASH-MAK and by the Aryan Rishis in their Astra Vidya by a name that we do not care to give. It is the VRIL of Bulwer Lytton's COMING RACE and of the coming races of mankind.'

The name VRIL may be a fiction; the Force itself is a fact, since it is mentioned in all the secret books.'(2) `It is this vibratory Force which, when aimed at an army from an Agniratha (Firechariot) fixed on a flying vessel, according to the instructions found in the Astra Vidya, would reduce to ashes a hundred thousand men and elements as easily as it would a dead rat.` (Other names are ether, aether and in modern times ZPE, zero point energy / ZPF, zero point field)

It is allegorised in the VISHNU PURANA, in the RAMAYANA and other works, in the fables about the sage Kapila whose "glance made a mountain of ashes of King Sagara's 60,000 sons", and which is explained in the Esoteric Works, and referred to as the "Kapilaksha" - Kapila's Eye.

And it is this Satanic Force which, once in the hands of some modern Attila, would in a few days reduce Europe to its primitive chaotic state, with no man left alive to tell the tale - is it this Force which is to become the common property of all men alike?'(2)

The answer to this question, asked about eighty years ago, seems to be `Yes'; but before we are all reduced to ashes, let us take a look at Keely's next experiment; He made a model metal airship weighing about 8 lb. and attached it to a thin platinum wire. The other end of the wire was joined to his `sympathetic transformer' and again applied the mysterious sonic principle. By this he was able to make the airship rise in the air, hover, descend and move about at will.

Now compare - 12th August, 1950. The scene is the little mountain village of Campello, near the St. Gotthard Pass in Switzerland. Many people, including a professor of physics, reported eighty to a hundred flying saucers passing overhead. `As they passed they made a noise like an organ,' said the professor. Others described it as the sound of a tremendous chord of music - `a celestial symphony.' `

Melodious sound as it coursed along its airy way.' And on 22 May 1947 clusters of flying saucers shot across Denmark at tree-top height making a deep, tuneful, humming sound-like huge bees or `like vacuum cleaners', said a mechanically-minded Dane.(3) `

A vimana can be moved by tunes and rhythms.' - Samar.

`By music alone, some were propelled.' - Book of Oahspe.

`People did not walk up and down stairs in the very old days,' say the legend of the Caribes. 'They hit a plate and made a song and the song said where they wanted to go - and so they went...' `Anybody could dance in the air like leaves in a storm. Everything was so light.'(3)

According to the folk-lore of Galway, Ireland, on the opposite side of the Atlantic: 'In the old days everybody danced in the air like leaves in the autumn wind...people made a song to a plate.'

And from St. Vincent Island in the West Indies comes this legend: 'The wise people of old could fly quite easily. They had no wings. They clapped on gold plates, made music on them and flew.'(4)

Among the gifts which Montezuma, the last Aztec Emperor, gave to Cortez (who nobly rewarded him with torture and death) were two large flat gold disks about the size of gramophone records. These were said to be emblems of royalty and were intended for King Charles V of Spain and his Queen. The King's disk was about a quarter of an inch thick; the Queen's was much thinner.

Montezuma knew what the disks were for, but it seems that Cortez looked upon them as very clumsy and heavy things to wear, and it is doubtful if they ever reached Spain, for they are not listed in any of the treasure ships' inventories.

These disks were cut to a size and thickness exactly corresponding to the size of the person for whom they were intended. They had to be of the correct size so as to suit the wavelengths of his personal vibrations. Thus the owner alone could use them. (for flight)

Keely's machine only worked when he was present and consciously directing his vibrations towards them. Evidently the Spanish King never received, or never tried out his flying disks; had he done so there would surely be a minute in the most holy records of the Inquisition lamenting the fact that: `His Majesty, on striking a vile heathen cymbal, was seized by Satan and cast up into the air.'

Where is the connection with flying saucers? I do not yet know. I see only many fragments divided by time and space, yet strangely alike. It is as if a jigsaw has been scattered over a field. There is no immediate connection, and yet there is a unity to all the pieces.

The Aztec disks were carefully measured to fit their user. Could the great secret of scientific levitation have been preserved up to the sixteenth century as the royal prerogative of the Incas? Is it still preserved? Somewhere, secretly, handed down from generation to generation under fearful vows lest it fall into the hands of the white destroyer?

The car celestial uttered a melodious humming sound. Built by a people more civilised than the Aztecs, it might have utilised an extension of the same principle.

Perhaps in its `two stories and many chambers' it contained multiple batteries of disks or a single, huge resonant plate which, when harmonised to the vibrations of the pilot, would raise not just a single man, but the whole great machine.

What about the dark and light metals that fell on Maury Island? Take another look at Keely's engine. He struck a note and the engine ran until stopped by a discord. He struck another, and a model airship rose from the ground.

Whether sound was used to give Elliott's `Etheric Force' its first impulse or whether it was a mental radiation from the pilot, the idea is the same - a vibration.

Sonic and mental waves are both vibrations. Just as the soundless waves entering a radio produce a physical sound in a lower plane and octave. The science of harmonics and their application as a source of power was well understood until disaster overtook civilisation and the great mother country sank into an abyss of destruction, spreading her surviving children to Brazil, Yucatan and Peru on one side, and to Egypt, India and Chaldea on the other.

The DRONA PARVA gives a beautiful though veiled description of how sound tuned to the will of the operators provided the motive power of the Cukra vimana, one of the greatest ever built : `We shall build a vimana of great power. The MIND became the ground which supported that vimana. SPEECH became the tracks on which it was to proceed. All speeches and sciences were gathered together within it, all hymns, and the Vedic Sound VASHAT also. And the syllable OM placed before that car made it exceedingly beautiful. When it set out, its roar filled all points of the compass.'

This needs a little analysis. Mental power, harmonised to certain magnetic forces, provided the lift. Graduated harmonics guided it on the desired path. The whole of the ancient sciences as known at the time had been employed to produce this masterpiece of celestial navigation the Vedic `Word of Power' VASHAT is used to indicate and emphasise the use of harmonics.

The Hindu `Word of Power' OM (the Fifth Syllable of the `Ineffable Name') is also given to show how perfectly the whole project was attuned to the natural cosmic forces that `made it exceedingly beautiful'.

I have other records on my files of flying saucers that produced a strange musical note, described by observers as unlike any sound they had ever heard. For example: At 5:50 PM on the 27th of September 1952, George H. Williamson, D.SC. of Prescott, Arizona, heard and saw a colossal saucer pass over his house with a noise he described as different and more powerful than a jet, musical, rather like a huge swarm of bees.

The colossal forces latent in properly regulated vibrations have long been suspected by modern science, and I believe I am right in saying that amazing discoveries have recently been made along those lines which may soon completely revolutionise our world - for better or for worse.

But what happened to Keely? His invention was in advance of the time. He died, poverty-stricken and broken-hearted; in disillusion he destroyed his models and most of his papers. Only a few pamphlets published by his patron, Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore, remain to prove that he or `dynaspheric force' ever made a brief reappearance on this planet.(5)

Meanwhile we struggle bravely with almost insurmountable problems of building a rocket large enough to contain fuel with a sufficient exhaust velocity to lift a machine out of the Earth's gravity. Tons and tons of expensive fuel which blows out at seven miles per second would be required, and millions of pounds would have to be spent on research and complicated equipment: and all so that some other unfortunate planet may enjoy the blessings of earthly ways and earthly politics; may become a bone of contention, a kind of Cosmic Korea to be fought over by the two opposing halves of our ant heap.

How funny if, all along, the answer could have been bought literally `for a song'.


(1) Notice the similar idea behind Keely's word `corpuscles of matter could be divided by vibration' and the modern discoveries that atoms can be smashed by ultra-high frequencies. We are dealing with a lower order of energy but the new concept is in accord with Keely's postulates.

(2) THE SECRET DOCTRINE, Vol. II, Adyar Edition.

(3) At this juncture, Professor A. C. B. Lovell, of Manchester University, springs to Menzel's defence (THE LISTENER, 2nd of July 1953), pointing out that meteors sometimes make a drumming or buzzing noise at the point of fall. Possibly they do; but the subject in question happens to be not drumming or buzzing meteors but musically inclined flying saucers. Not one of these noisy saucers has fallen to the ground even though in some cases it has passed within a few feet of witnesses' housetops (see Chapter 10), nor have meteors been found within hundreds of miles after such occurrences. With a little encouragement I may be able to help Professor Lovell prove that London buses are only ionised pockets of air reflecting through temperature inversions the red neon signs of Piccadilly Circus, for which I should doubtless receive an Emeritus Chair.

(4) WILKINS, Secret Cities of South America.

(5) I believe that this Force, or something very similar, was discovered again by Lester Hendershot, of Pittsburg, Pa., in 1928, who produced a motor said to derive its energy purely from the Earth's magnetic field. Hendershot made a small model, powerful enough to light two 110-volt lamps. Such an outrageous flouting of Orthodox Proprietaries brought swift retribution in the form of Herr Doktor Hochstetter (principal of a research laboratory of the same name in Pittsburg), who went to pains to expose Henderson as a wicked, irreverant fraud. The Herr Doktor-`so that pure science might shine forth untarnished'-went to the expense of hiring a lecture platform from whence to denounce Hendershot and all his works, by demonstrating an exact model of the motor which, as was to be expected, failed to work. Hochstetter fumed that some years earlier Hendershot had hidden a tiny battery in the motor. Quite how this was supposed to have run two 110-volt lamps, he didn't say. Hendershot admitted the battery as being a `blind' to lead inquisitive snoopers off the scent before he had patented his process. The good Doktor also failed to notice that Henderson at the time was in hospital recovering from a 2,000-volt shock which had suddenly blasted out of his motor during a demonstration. But, as is usually the way with these things, Hochstetter succeeded with his public damnation, and Hendershot, discouraged, faded into obscurity.

Check out the Gravitational Spider which ties all this together.

and Walter Wrights' Push Gravity file