Re: Groundwater Pollution and Vortex filtration
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 22:38:45 -0400

At 11:11 PM 6/3/98 -0500, you wrote:

>zeta potential - capacity of water to hold electrical energy measured as
>surface tension, believed to be based on an enfolded collodial structure
>having a large surface area in a small physical space, kind of like a
>torus having more surface area than a sphere of the same diameter)...


In one of Davis and Rawls Magnetism books ( can't remember which) he has a
table of showing surface tension changes in water. Basically North pole
water increases while south pole decrease surface tension significantly. I
have been making and drinking negatively magnetized water ever since I read
about this. The water definitely tastes better and its easy to check for
yourself - check out their books.

Chris Gupta

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