Chat room

Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 11:06:21 -0700

Hi Jerry and all!

Jerry, you said in the chat room a while ago:

hhhmmm, no one here at 12:30 Dallas time, just checking, several were here
then left, usually for being idle which logs them out after 5
minutes......I always check before coming in and the program will tell you
how many are here before you log in....this time it said one person and
when I got here, that person had just been logged out for being idle for 5

Yes, I've had the same problem. Is there some way to let people stay on
and inactive for longer? I would like to have a "presence" there so that
when other people check the room they see there's someone there, then come
in and talk. If people check and the room is empty they don't come in, and
this creates a negative feedback loop.
