testing of psycic broadcasting

michael olson ( amplexus@dowco.com )
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 19:26:49 -0700

First I need to say that I have deliberated a few years in one form or
another on the writing of this letter. What I am about to
say may be disagreed with, but it is factual and can be researched, in
fact to anyone who is interested in researching and
experimenting, I will let them know how to carry out proper experiments
in the testing of psychic broadcasting.I have not
deliberated because I was unsure of the type of response I would get,
its a little more in depth than that.
Let me give you a little bit of information and history. In physics
there is a piece of knowledge which I believe is called the
common force. There is pressure exerted all around us, from gravity, as
well as atmospheric pressure, and other forms of
pressure. If there is 20 pounds of pressure exerted on my thumb, that 20
pounds is exerted all around, so it is not felt.This
knowledge is so basic to physics that it is taught in elementary school.
In Victorian science this knowledge was the
main-basic piece of information in their pursuits or experiments. They
believed that "Pressure" existed at the subtlest levels
in nature, so minute as to be untestable. How can something so
infinitely minute, and something that surrounds everything
in an equal amount be tested? They called this pressure the aether. It
was because of this knowledge that understanding the
operation of the universe and nature became clear- in fact I would even
state that Quantum physics had its birth from this in
one form or another.
If you do a little research on some of the scientists of the times you
will see that a few of them had intuited and " claimed"
they tested what is now becoming known as fact.
I know that despite his remarkable contributions to society, Tesla isn't
held in the highest regard by the majority of the
scientific community. If you research him a little however you will note
that he coined the term cosmic rays and said that the
sun, and stars released a steady stream of particles of various sizes
and speeds , which are the created by products of
pressure. Of course this was highly criticised at the time. Later it has
been found to be true that there are different types of
particles issuing from the stars. The latest one being neutrinos, which
penetrate through everything. The newest piece of
information on this is neutrinos were once thought to be mass less- and
it has recently been discovered that they possess
mass.I can tell you that quantum physics is a byproduct itself. It is
the study of effects, not of the pressure that caused the
The way certain researchers are testing for "esp" wont work. They will
never get any kind of
positive results the way they are doing it and are wasting their time.
If anyone is seriously interested in carrying out
experiments in this area you can email me at
I am not interested in talking to the just curious. Only serious
inquiries please.