Re: info on new explosive disposal method.

Ian Webb ( (no email) )
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 00:20:06 +0000

> I found an article about a new enzyme, derived from spinach, that breaks
> down
> explosives.. I remembered an article I read on KeelyNet a while ago, I
> think it was
> about Dan Davidson's Shape Power book, where something was done with an
> molecule, and it affected people by it being projected on a screen or
> something..
> (bad description, I hope someone knows what I'm talking about..)

i do.. almost seems that it was a sound being played.. the
sound/image had been generated somehow, don't remember the exact
method, from the LSD molecule. supposedly the listeners/viewers experienced
hallucinations as a result. it's an interesting concept -- anyone know of
confirmation of the effect?

> I was thinking if that was possible, then it might also be possible to
> "project" the
> shape/frequency of the enzyme at explosives, to neutralize it.. any
> ideas on this?

if the 'LSD projection' principle really works, it sounds like this probably
would as well.. anyone know more about the experiment?
