Why Keely?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 15:52:06 -0500

Hi Folks!

This is an email response to a lady trying to track down some genealogy
about Keely, I thought she should know a bit more about him;

My interest in John Keely has been solely in his research activities and
how we could duplicate them to produce similar phenomena. I did visit
the site where his lab USED to be in Philadelphia and where he used to
live, but nothing remains of the lab but a trashed lot. As time goes
on, ever more information gets lost or destroyed.

We know he wrote several treatises on various aspects of his acoustical
research and none have been found except for one which was sent in
anonymously by an engineer friend in Florida. We also have about 17
high resolution B&W photos of John Keely in his lab or of various
instruments he constructed which will be posted on the website.

I doubt his name has any correlation to yours of Kealey...his wife was
Anna, his name was John Ernst Worrell Keely and I believe they had at
least one son. It would be interesting to track any relatives.

Unfortuntately the history books took the Scientific American debunking
as fact and John Keely has been protrayed historically as a fraud and a
conman, those who have any inkling of physics who have studied what
remains of his work, know these reports to be mostly erroneous...we work
to correct history by trying to rediscover how to produce the same
phenomena he demonstrated. It will change society and thw world as we
know it when put into practical use. Some of the things John Keely

1) A means of acoustically dissociating water, instantly
exploding it to produce pressures up to 29,000 pounds
per square inch.
2) a microscope believed to have used Ultraviolet light and which
could project an image on a wall of an atom in motion, Keely
used phase conjugation to slow, speed up or STOP the motion of
these atoms, this to him was a research tool.
3) use of Chladni (vibrating waveplates) tables to analyze the
complex motions of single and multiple frequencies, much like
our modern oscilloscopes except that rather than stretching a
wave out over time, the waves project from one or more
excitation points to emanate circular waves which collide and
interact with other waves
4) a means to use sound to produce weight control and gravity
5) a means to use sound to produce thrust to move an object, not
simply sound but to entrain aether for propulsion.
6) several versions of acoustic engines that could be keyed to
resonantly couple with some universal frequency to produce
continuous very high torque rotation of a properly designed motor.
7) an understanding of how music and interference can heal and
correct conditions in the body including mental problems
8) a means to acoustically disintegrate quartz mineral.

There are others, but these stand out as rediscoveries that could prove
very useful to the world.

Needless to say, there are a great many detractors who take great
pleasure in slamming KeelyNet (and John Keely) at every opportunity,
that just goes with the territory. They fail to recognize many points
including the fact that Keely reported disintegration of mass with
standing waves (which is now a commercial process), Keely reported
producin light in water (what is now termed sonoluminescence), Keely
reported acoustic levitation (verified by NASA and others) though Keely
went FAR BEYOND this brute force technique, Keely reported geometries
that could intensify sound pressures without adding additional energy
(recently patented and in use), Keely reported cold in the presence of
certain 'orders of vibratin' (now patented as an acoustic refrigration
and cooling system), Keely repoted that sound could be used to heal the
body but went further saying the 'convolutions of the brain' were
knotted or restricted, resulting in all manner of physical problems when
their nerve energy was restricted, this is still unproven as we work on
the EFFECT rather than the controller (CAUSE) of the brain, that will
change as more people begin to experiment in this area.

There is much, much more, but this has certainly gone way beyond what
you wanted to know...<g>...seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187