On Ripoffs & Distortion of History

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 06 Jun 1998 00:59:22 -0500

The following is in response to an email from a popular F/E researcher
who has recently discovered he is being ripped off by people selling his
compiled material and research information;
Hi *****!

Well, I've long gotten used to people lifting KeelyNet files and even
articles I and others have written, then removing all reference even to
the author, and claiming it as their own....<g>...so I do feel for you
on hearing someone is now selling your encyclopedic material without
your permission or receiving anything from it.

Sumeria is the WORST offender I've seen and a fellow out in California
(LPR) has been selling KeelyNet disks for years, so I am told....there
are others....ah well, I'm not in it to make money, but to stimulate
thought, experiment and discussion....if any of it leads to JUST ONE
working technology that the world can benefit from, it all will have
served its purpose....

I know several other people and groups who have lifted material but I've
learned not to worry about it....just do as much positive damage as you
can and let the chips fall where they may...people who do the hunting
will recognize who is doing what and if there is any justice in the
universe, the people involved will reap either their rewards or

I knew you were selling your encyclopedia, and I think it is a rotten
thing for these guys to do since you are open about it....everything
goes in circles so our time will come...<g>..

As to the $40 plans, I've also been 'bitten' many times, most recently
by Creative Research Labs, what a bunch of frauds...when I see someone
about to spring for their stuff, I try to warn them privately to save
their money.

Just got a helluva letter from Don Kelly with Space Energy Association
(SEA) down in Florida...he is VERY PISSED because of the recent bull
about the Testatika USING RADIUM and of course that same claim is being
applied to everything from Hendershot to Coler and MORE....totally
confusing and defying all published and historical reports....claiming
that it is FACT.

One crook and his ilk have been trying to set themselves up as
rediscoverers, yet they have NOTHING that remotely works let alone
duplicates even the simplest of these guys experiments....the gullible
continue to just fall head over heels for the claims, let them go, as
everyone gravitates to their own level of understanding.

I'm seriously thinking about posting Don's letter....we really need to
work to stop this blatant SMEARING and distortion of historical info
with recent conjecture based on someone promoting their own pet ideas,
then claiming it was/is the basic secret to everything.

God, it never stops...but newbies just eat up this crap as if its
REAL....I know no one has yet demonstrated a working o/u device that
anyone can build or buy but this intentional distortion of history is
despiccable. And all for ego and greed. It sows ever more confusion in
the ever more duplicated files about free energy sources and is a slap
in the face to all serious researchers.

History will be the judge, but I certainly know we need to band together
and let the newbies know to STICK WITH THE EARLY REPORTS rather than buy
into this new age claptrap.
The following is the origninal email, names have been removed from this
email for privacy;

Have just received a Swiss ML Plans booklet from Energy Research in
America. This crowd advertises their plans on the net under the name of
C.N.Formation, or the MPG Club. I don't know if you've seen their site
or not - it's a fairly big one.

Well, after waiting for four months, the plans finally came. They
claimed "We will show you how to build a working model, including
complete schematics and instructions. We will also show you how to
construct the 'secret' diode, and tell you exactly how it works."

They wanted about US$20, which ended up costing me about $40
Australian. What did I get for $40? About 14 pages of large print,
with several diags. --- A lot of it from your site !!!!

The "secret" diode stuff is evidently from Dr Nelson Camus' page about
using radium chloride in the Testatika. !!!! And that's it. Thought you
might like to know...

PS Have been working quite hard collecting F/E files, and now have
quite a massive collection. Many of the diagrams I have redrawn etc.
When I think of what I've got, say just on the Testatika, compared to
the 14 pages that I paid $40 for, it makes one think. Incidentally, I
hope they got your permission to make money from your work. (this is
referring to the work of the guy who is getting ripped off, not KeelyNet

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187