Frequencies & Rife

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 27 May 1998 13:17:41 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following interesting insights came in from my engineer friend Peter
Kelly <> and I thought they should be shared with the
Dear Folks;
Time for a bit of education....
1. By definition, all frequencies are sine waves....

2. all waveforms other than sine waves are pulses....

3. square waves pulses are at their primary frequency (sine wave) + an
infinite series of odd order harmonics.....

4. triangle (sawtooth) pulses are their primary frequency (sine wave) +
an infinite series of even order harmonics...

5. a method of determining the intensity of the harmonics of a given
square wave (pulse) is to use a spectrum analyzer... They will give you
the relative intensity of each harmonic. The presumption is perfect
square waves... The reality is that square waves (mostly) have a finite
rise and fall time which is less than perfect.... This will allow some
even order and other harmonics....

6. How a spectrum analyzer does its thing is to perform a mathematical
process called a FFT, or fast fourier transform... which essentially
breaks a pulse (anything other than a sine wave) into its sine wave

7. Factors that can affect the amount and intensity of the various
harmonics besides linearity (#5) are duty cycle, which is the amount of
time on versus off; circuit noise; power supply noise; filtering; lack
of filtering; and perhaps how you hold your eyes <grin>...

8. The one thing that none of us really know is exactly what kind of
wave form that R Rife produced.... Picture and film evidence seems to
indicate that it was vaguely square wave in appearence, at least on
early oscilloscopes, which in themselves were less than perfect in
displaying more than the general characteristics of the wave form..... I
know, however, that what he did worked.... I know also that John Crane
was basically a salesman opportunist that came into the picture much
later..... Rife had his problems by then, and may not have conveyed
perfectly, his research to Crane... By the time I knew of John Crane, he
was sueing anyone who would suggest that they were using "Rife"
frequencies in their own research... Even tried to sue folks that tried
to explain the mechanism for healing using frequencies.... I know these
things first and second hand... even a few third hand...

9. Last but not least... We do know that the Bare/Rife units as
conceived or promulgated by James Bare seem to work in many ways,
probably approaching, and possibly exceeding the efficiency of the
Master (Rife).... Especially in terms of relative effects... The
challange as I see it is to be able to redesign the modulation equipment
(CB radio) that is basically combining an RF (Ch 14/approx 13
meter/27.?MHz) with the output of an audio square wave oscillator, and
amplifying it to a level that will fire a plasma tube.... and do it with
a minimum of SWR's coming back and destroying the components in the
chain... That portion makes it a pure engineering problem... HOWEVER...
because we don't know exactly what was done in the past, and only have
what is now anecdotal evidence regarding the various cures over the
years, and their frequencies, we should be verrrrry careful not to
design a device that is perfect, from an engineering stand point, and
loses whatever "magic" existed in the original Rife work, and early Bare

10. For years I was against the so called "Rife" devices that were being
created by various garage technicians.... The reason? No one was
watching what they were doing using what was probably the most important
component of Rife's instrumentation... The Rife Microscope..... I've
watched several groups and individuals take "grants" for recreating
it.... in at least one case, over a million US $$$$... and totally
fail.... The creation of Gaston Nesson's monochromatic light source
microscope, and possibly the better configured "dark field" microscopes
are a step in the right direction, but it still ain't a Rife.....

11. I also am well aware of the political (medical) climate in the U.S.
at this juncture in history.... Big money and misdirected consumer
protection seem to be the main components... I know of what I speak....
I have done research and manufacturing for 28 years in a peripheral area
of alternative research called Radionics or Psychotronics and although
it has much of the same potential as the Rife/Bare device, by working
with the "energy-as-information" of a condition or a disease, it has a
lot of the same limitations, some similar, some completely different....
By the way, after a friendly "visit" from our US medical watchdogs back
in '86, we limit our research and sales to purely agricultural
research..... I am a Fellow Member of the US Psychotronic Association,
and was one of its founding members back when Jerry Gallimore called the
first group together in 1974 in Indianapolis, Indiana.... I have always
considered Dr. Robert Beck as my hardware guru, and Thomas Bearden as my
theory mentor....

Along the road I have seen genuine miracles, and complete and total
failures.... Someday maybe I'll write a book detailing both....

Well this started as a simple explanation of frequency, harmonics, and
pulses, but thought I better get in all of my 2 cents worth to this fine
and worthy group... This sharing concept is good, and the best
possibility of a continued line of research without suppression...

When we're doing research and experimentation for the love of it, like I
and many others have done, and not out of "desperation", then we will
truely attract the support of the Universe, and its funding too..... I
do know that in the time ahead that we must be prepared to deal with all
the results of our wrong thinking (as a race/ culture) that has allowed
the genii out of the bottle in the form of mutating plagues due to the
differant aspects of man's inhumanity to man....... I hope we're all
ready to evolve to the next level of consiousness, and with the tools to
undo what we've done to each other and our nest.........

In the Light
Peter Kelly

Reid Smith wrote:

>> Keep in mind that the narrator of the video (John Crane), often
>> ascribed things that he was doing to Rife. Rife clearly stated
>> that their research had shown that they couldn't control harmonics,
>> and precise control is what the instrument was all about.
>> As far as we have been able to determine, the use of square waves
>> originates with John Crane and not Rife. The third sentance
>> contradicts the last sentance. Also the tape shows square waves.
>> So that is what leads me to believe that Rife started with
>> square waves and when he found that he couldn't get the frequency
>> that he needed.
> Here's something that crossed my mind the other day. The numbers
> arn't right but you should get the drift.
> 100hz * 2 = 200hz harmonics.
> 101hz * 2 = 202hz harmonics.
> 102hz * 2 = 204hz harmonics.
> You'll notice that the harmonics 1-3 are never reached. Now what
> happens when you get into the megahertz range. There will be
> frequencys that aren't possable no matter what you do PLUS the
> range gets wider as you go up.
> Now lets say that you have a microbe that is killed with the
> frequency exact 200,500hz. If you try to produce that frequency
> with the harmonics you might get 200,000 with one number and
> 300,000 with another but that leaves 500hz on below and above
> that you can never reach. In order to get that 200,500hz exactly
> you'll have to have a 200,500hz wave.
> Ok lets say that all microbes have one frequency and a certian
> amount of m-amps that will kill them instantly. If that frequency
> is 200,500hz and the m-amps is 100 then running 200,500hz at
> 100m-amps kills them, boom they're dead. If you run 200,000hz at
> 100m-amps the microbes will die BUT not instantly. Same thing holds
> true for 300,000 and 100m-amps.
> You can kill them by increaseing the m-amps to 200 so that
> 100 m-amps is their at the 200,500. That's not what we want we want
> an instant kill.
> The less time on the machine the better. Yes there is a problem
> with die off BUT that can be controlled with the length of exposure.
> >Regards,
> >Jason
> Take Care
> Reid

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187