ICQ/AOL & Roundtable Videos

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 27 May 1998 18:39:56 -0500

Hi Folks!
ICQ & AOL Instant Messenger

Finally got around to signing up for ICQ (# 13175100) and the AOL
Instant Messenger (Keelyman) if you might want to ping and talk if we
both happen to be online. My contact info is attached to all future
emails as part of the signon. Hope it doesn't backfire, but might be
useful for now.

Why both? Because a guy at work says AOL will auto-configure to break
out of any firewall you might have at work...<g>...since I work on a
computer all day, I keep the AOL messenger on, so please be considerate
and use it only if you must and remember I won't have access to my data
at home...
Website Weekly Chat update

Still investigating a chat method for the website for a weekly chat with
various guest 'speakers'. Hopefully we can get people like Ken
Shoulders, Peter Kelly, Dale Pond, Gene Mallove, Patrick Bailey, Hal
Fox, (maybe Moray King), Hal Puthoff, (maybe Patrick Flanagan), Tom
Bearden, John Bedini and a host of other people. Prior to the chat, I
want to post a short bio with information about each of these people
that would show what they have been investigating so that you won't come
in cold and can ask relevant questions.

Nothing wastes more time than when people ask questions that have long
since been answered and some just won't do any homework on their own
Roundtable Videos

We were privileged to show two videos at the last Roundtable.
Minato Power Generator

The first was a 25 minute home video of the ENEX 98 conference in Japan
where the Minato motor was generated...it showed this huge machine,
easily 20 feet long, separated into 4 sections, all connected by a
common shaft...each section was composed of 4 wheels where you could see
heavy metal disks bolted together to hold slab neodymium magnets
together so that they looked like like toppled dominoes, lying on each
other and at about a 45 degree angle.

On either side of each of these wheels (remember 4 per section), were
two heavy solenoids that alternately kicked against the magnetic fields
to produce thrust using either a high voltage (EV GRAY) type of thrust
or purely EM.

The video also showed a table top demonstration unit which I think was
the 450 watt unit he patented. Though there is no audio (except for
Minato and others speaking in Japanese), this appears to be the same
unit which took 50 Watts to operate the solenoid coil and put out 450
watts leaving 400 watts essentially free...it was self-running though
one test showed an instrument hooked up to it, ostensibly to measure the
power produced.
Minato Bicycle Wheel

There were only brief shots of the bicycle wheel but it was much like
Henry Curtis drew it, with magnets stacked on each other and offset by
about an inch, all slanted to the periphery of the wheel. One half of
the wheel had these slanted magnets, the other half appeared to be
weighted to closely balance the weight of the magnets.

A heavy magnet is brought near the wheel when the magnets were on the
top side and it began spinning. Unfortunately, the drive magnet was
hand held and NOT MOUNTED on a stanchion support, so it could well be
like the jiggle needed to restart the Hamel spinner.

>From the claims I've seen, it will run continually when the magnet is
mounted on a support....I think I'd have shown it that way and made the
magnet on a lockable swing arm so you could move it close to run or away
to stop to allow examination.

We'll see about getting permission to snap a few images to the website
though I think drawings would be much clearer.
Marks Device

Another short video shows the infamous Marks toroid, it looks about 12"
in diameter, about 1" thick, wrapped in electrical tape and had a dual
electrical outlet wired to it broken by a toggle switch. When a 100
watt light bulb was screwed into a standard light bulb ceramic base and
the switch was thrown, the light came on full power.

The whole thing sat on a glass table. Another experiment showed 10-100
watt bulbs all connected together and powered from a larger version of
this toroid coil. It appears to be picking up energy from the earth's
magnetic grid and there does appear to be a small circuit involved.

The audio portion says two coils are used, one primary and one
secondary, each with different frequencies (which are not provided), it
also indicates the energy produced is DC and one guy accidentally
touched one of the bulbs and jerked his hand away when it burned him.

I plan to transcribe all the audio to a file and include stills from the
video, also might have some additional info appear in the file which
I've not seen yet but might show up...<g>...

Altogether both videos were quite interesting and everyone huddled close
to the TV to get the clearest view. Also, thanks to the guy (can't
remember his name) who kindly ran home and brought his video player when
the TV/video combo unit was not at our meeting place. It really made
the evening and I and many others present surely appreciated his effort
to make the videos happen.

Ya know, its hard to haul my 20" TV/VCR combo around every month so
we've been using the one some other group left at the cafeteria for
their meetings, guess I'll have to just make it a regular thing or at
least have a video player and cables...maybe could leave it there and
hope no one damages it.

Lessons, keep one or two extension cords, ground plugs, a waverly strip,
duct tape, a digital timer (in case 'announcements' get out of
hand..<g>..), and the video/tv stuff handy, just in case...<g>........

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187