Themes for Cancer Alternatives

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 07 May 1998 02:15:58 -0500

Hi Folks!

This interesting set of information came in a recent email and I thought
it should be shared with the volk;
I just read the April 27, 1998 e-mail from Ray Tomes stating that the
reason for stopping the experiment was increased blindness.

It seems that to increase IQ without blindness, the level of oxygen flow
to the fetus has to somehow be manipulated. The researchers probably
tried, unsuccessfully, to think of another way to do this.

I maintain a list of about two dozen alternative cancer treatments.
Since some of them concern increasing the flow of oxygen to cancer cells
which thrive in anaerobic conditions, I thought they might offer some
ideas. Following is my list in which I deleted the ones that don't seem
to have anything to do with oxygen. (Why all of these two dozen
alternative cancer treatments, assuming they all work, don't share a
common theme makes no sense to me.)

Beginning of edited list:

Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide kills disease organisms as it
spreads though tissue.

Ozone blood treatment. Ozone infused into blood simply oxidizes
molecules in virus shells.

Vitamin C megadoses. Vitamin C creates extra hydrogen peroxide in the

North poles of strong permanent magnets (for localized cancerous tumors
only, I believe).

Bob Beck's electronic pulse generator. Battery-operated, it is strapped
on the wrists for several minutes to an hour per day. Kills a variety of
parasites such as most viruses, infectious bacteria, etc.

Royal Rife's electronic frequency instrument. The basic premise of the
instrument is that each pathogen has a particular crystalline structure.
When exposed to an electromagnetic frequency of the correct frequency
and waveshape, the pathogen's crystalline structure will resonant and
shatter in a manner similar to an opera singer shattering a glass

The July 14, 1997 issue of Business Week has an article on how pathogens
can trigger cancer. A business associate used one on her son several
years ago and cured him of an otherwise untreatable virus-caused

Germanium. Organic germanium (bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquixoide)
increases the oxygen level in the body. Germanium is known to enhance
the immune system by stimulating production of natural killer cells,
lymphoklines, interferon, macrophages and T-suppressor cells. Germanium
deficiencies can result in immunity reductions, arthritis, osteoporosis,
low energy as well as cancer.

Non-invasive photo-luminescent therapy combined with a multiple range of
frequencies. It is assumed with this therapy that cancer is a group of
mutated cells that lack proper DNA programming. Includes use of super
magnets, herbs, and cleaning of bowel, liver, gall bladder, and kidneys
and also retuning the brain which organizes the immune system. The
process is to hyper-oxygenate the entire body and create an alkaline
environment in which pathogens can not survive.

I have been told that there are a total of 28 alternative cancer
treatments worldwide. It has been predicted to me that in five to ten
years, radiation and chemotherapy will be banned, and surgery greatly
reduced because they are so brutally painful and ineffective as well as
being excessively expensive.

It also has been explained to me that cancer must have two conditions in
tissue to thrive 3/4 acidity and lack of oxygen. It does appear that the
basis for some of these alternative cancer treatments is increasing the
flow of oxygen through the body and increasing alkalinity. But it is not
readily apparent what all of these cancer treatments may have in common.

I have some articles on the negative health effects of fluoridation of
drinking water. Among them is "couch potato syndrome" which is the cute
name for a not so cute physical condition induced by ingesting too much
fluoride. One of the characteristics of couch potato syndrome is an
overly docile personality. I have a hypothesis that the fluoride which
is part of some types of poisonous chemotherapy compounds may be taking
away the will to live among cancer patients.

Photo-luminescent therapy may be the most convenient to use of the
foregoing therapies, and appears alone to be a powerful, versatile
instrument of healing. I have seen a double-column list of diseases,
each with a specific frequency tuned to that disease, that fills about
fifteen pages.

The light therapy machine's developers suspect that the machine also
generates a peculiar healing effect which includes correcting the body's
implementation of its DNA coding. It appears that only half an
organism's blueprint is stored in its genes. The other half is stored in
the organism's electromagnetic aura. Perhaps the machine tunes the body
to match its electromagnetic design specifications. One example of a
successful treatment was when a man's high blood pressure dropped over
20 points after a two-hour exposure to the machine.

The reality and effectiveness of photo-luminescent therapy is backed by
many years of research and thorough documentation. Further information
can be found in the December 1997 issue of the Australian magazine Nexus
and the following Web sites:

I have listened to a demonstration and lecture on the similar "resonant
frequency therapy" by James E. Bare, D.C., at the 1995 International
Tesla Society Symposium. Dr. Bare later authored articles on the same
subject in the Jan/Feb/Mar 1996 issue of Extraordinary Science which is
published by the International Tesla Society, and more recently the
February-March 1998 and the April-May 1998 issues of Nexus.

End of edited list

I found it interesting looking at my list with the entirely different
viewpoint of increasing IQ while still a fetus.

One important criterion should be the hassle factor since many women are
not educated enough nor do they have access to skilled medical care. On
this basis, we can probably drop hydrogen peroxide and ozone blood

Placing the north pole of a strong magnet on the uterus for maybe a few
minutes every few hours at the end of a pregnancy looks worth checking
into. (Try ordering 4" x 6" x .5" magnets from Natural Environmental
Solutions, Inc., 5012 S. Arville Street Suite 10, Las Vegas, NV 89118;
fax 702-222-1932; audio 702-222-0122.) However, I wouldn't experiment
with anything without careful research and monitoring of the fetus.

A lot of women probably already take ample amounts of various dietary
supplements including vitamin C. Adding germanium either singly or as a
part of a micro-colloidal suspension of about 60 minerals might help
increase IQ. (Obtainable from NESI also.)

You yourself have commented on your personal successes with the Bob
Beck-type pulsar. I use one myself with some indication that it benefits
me. (Try for further information.) Again, I
hesitate to recommend anything to pregnant women without careful
monitoring by trained medical personnel, but it might be worth trying.
The sota-inc people may be able to comment intelligently on using them
on pregnant women.

I don't see where the Rife machine could apply to increasing IQ.
However, I am confused as to the difference between the Rife machine and
light therapy.

My gut feeling is that the last one listed, light therapy, offers the
best hope. Again, we are looking at some costly testing to be really
sure if and how light therapy during pregnancy could increse IQ.
This was my response;
Thanks for the list of cancer alternatives...there doesn't seem to be
one overall theme to any of them, though there are some correlations.

I remember meeting with Walter Rawls out in Jacksonville and he was
telling me how Albert Roy Davis had 'fucked himself to death'...Walter
said Roy was in his late 70's and married a very young girl, about 19,
who had an active keep her satisfied, he strapped long
magnets to his inner thigh so that the South pole energy saturated his
scrotum and lower thigh....this was based on their discovery that South
pole energy causes an expansion of tissue with subsequent increased flow
of blood and other body DOES heal and rejuvenate but they
found if you had any type of disease, that TOO would be encouraged to
grow. In this case, Roy just wanted to be able to pop a hardon whenever
the little lady needed was a hilarious story and Walter
swears that's what killed Roy, saying he warned him and Roy knew the
risks, but what a way to go out...<g>...

There are interesting correlations with electrochemistry where water
hydrolysis will produce oxygen on the POSITIVE electrode and hydrogen on
the negative.

With magnets, North pole energy contracts matter, is alkaline, has a CW
spiralling pattern, cools, generates because it contracts, extends life,
REDUCES libido, increases intelligence and passivity, etc...all
documented in the Davis/Rawls books....and of course the South pole
energies are the exact opposite. This is the principle they used to
grow the 3 foot tall chickens using ONLY SOUTH pole energy. Walter said
they had to kill them because they were mean, had filthy habits, would
attack other animals and chickens, even cows in the neighboring fields,
short life spans, very low intelligence, fucked all the time and ate
like pigs.

I always found that intriguing since the earth, being pear shaped, where
the North pole is the small end of the pear and the South pole is the
swollen end. Where does most civilized society come from, above the
equator and in the Northern latitudes....cannibalism, barbarism, etc,
are from the equator and into the Southern regions.

There is evern a related issue with the proposed magnetic pole we have fairly stable north pole energy compressing the
upper half of the earth, south pole expanding the lower...if the pole
flips, now what was being contracted on the North side now expands and
South pole half now contracts, resulting in all kinds of tectonic and
physical changes.

Anyway, I digress, about cancer treatments, my point was ths magnetic
phenomenon that not only influences certain gases but also the pH of
matter, would alter the acid/alkali balance in the body....any
electrical or magnetic energy would thus to some degree be using pure
positive (south) - radiating/acid, negative (north) -
contracting/alkali...well, that's my take on it....the regenerative
spiral Schauberger uses was a centripetal spiralling effect that I think
was associated with this north pole contracting effect....all this
business about 'charged' water I think ties in with Flanagans claim that
the zeta potential (ability of fluid to hold electrical charge) was
greatly increased by colloidal suspensions or just 'energizing' the
water in the presence of ozone/oxygen while in an implosive tornadic
rotation, kind of an enfolding that weaves the energy into the
water..drink it or apply to the skin and the energy is transferred.

Anyway, I don't there will ever be a single universal panacea for any
specific disease or condition because everyone is different...yes, there
might be certain ameliorative effects, but there will also be others
that did not respond or worse, had negative results as we see in the
allowable drugs on the mark, where they openly warn that perhaps 3-5% of
people taking a new drug might experience adverse side effects,
headache, liver/kidney damage, you take your chances...

That is why I am so fascinated with Jon Monroes Harmonic Translation
system where he uses kinesiology to let the body TELL you that something
you are wanting to ingest is good, bad or indifferent to it...all a
matter of wave interactions and George Lakhovsky said back in the

When muscle tension increases, energy is being added by the sample you
are testing, if the muscle tension decreases, YOUR BODY IS TELLING YOU
that FOR THIS BODY, this material is enharmonious, not to care WHY, just
that IT IS....

The beauty of it?? You can ONLY expose yourself to foods, drugs, even
human interactions that are constructive, additive and harmonious to
YOUR SPECIFIC TUNED CONDITION.....that's all I ever asked in the way of

But my original idea was a go/nogo bracelet with a red light for danger,
green for OK....that way, just hold your hand near or touch food or
whatever you were thinking about drinking and your muscles would tell
you whether the waves were positively or negatively conjugated. This
works also with sometimes get gut reactions where people
just don't feel right..such bracelet would let your body tell you that
something was doesn't matter WHAT, just that IT IS WRONG,
get away from it or suffer potential consequences....gotta love it and I
know we could actually make something on this order...can you imagine
how useful this could be??? You could detect liars, cheats, determine
what and how much of a given drug or food you could eat and how much
would be beneficial for you??

The Biological Truth Detector....seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187