Re: Themes for Cancer Alternatives

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Fri, 08 May 1998 08:39:40 -0400

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> This interesting set of information came in a recent email and I thought
> it should be shared with the volk;
> ----------------------------------
> I just read the April 27, 1998 e-mail from Ray Tomes stating that the
> reason for stopping the experiment was increased blindness.
> It seems that to increase IQ without blindness, the level of oxygen flow
> to the fetus has to somehow be manipulated. The researchers probably
> tried, unsuccessfully, to think of another way to do this.

Thats really interesting about the oxygen deprivation contributing to an
increased IQ. Sometime before I was born, the umbilical cord had somehow
gotten tied in a knot. This resulted in a decrease of oxygen to me. Then
at birth I came out a dark blue color (I'm normal colored now). I've
always been accused of being an alien but now this explains it.
No wonder I'm the most intelligent person I've met. HA HA (LOL)!

> I found it interesting looking at my list with the entirely different
> viewpoint of increasing IQ while still a fetus.
> One important criterion should be the hassle factor since many women are
> not educated enough nor do they have access to skilled medical care. On
> this basis, we can probably drop hydrogen peroxide and ozone blood
> treatment.

Have them ride a motorcycle while pregnant. Maybe they can teach the
fetus to tie knots.

> A lot of women probably already take ample amounts of various dietary
> supplements including vitamin C. Adding germanium either singly or as a
> part of a micro-colloidal suspension of about 60 minerals might help
> increase IQ. (Obtainable from NESI also.)

I have been using the plant derived colloidal minerals as preached by
Dr. Wallach for several years now and am convinced of their great value
in promoting general good health. A half dozen other people who I've
gotten to try them also have had notably positive results. I think this
is a required first step before looking for more esoteric cures.

-Gerald O'