Re: Healing vs. Rejuvenation

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 07 May 1998 02:57:00 -0500

Hi Mathias!

I did not include any social interactions in the list, preferring to
stick with the mechanics of the body as a standalone, independent unit.

Way too many worms...once the pattern was optimized AND MAINTAINED, IMO
it would be impervious to such interactions.

There was an advertisement a couple of years back for some Korean group
who were teaching a marshal arts technique to increase the Chi in the
body. Their claim was that the body senses its surroundings and thus
knows when there are enharmonies that are attacking it....

The idea was that the body, when in a non stressful environment would
function with a given level of chi coursing through it....however, when
brought into an energy toxic situation, the CHI would be cranked up to a
MUCH HIGHER LEVEL, REPELLING the outside enharmonious wave interactions
and shielding the body....

The idea was simply amazing, so some in our group went over for the
introductory presentation....sat on mats, facing a strange carpet
pattern of a sun, an island, water which was supposed to be a psychic
link to the masters dojo in Korea....first clue something might be too

A master who spoke no English had various volunteers lie on a table and
he made hand passes and physical manipulations, most of which involved a
rapid push on the solar plexus right under the was quite
painful, degree being determined by how screwed up you were...<g>..I
nearly died...but that's another story...

What got me, a young asian girl who was also attending the intro laid on
the table and this guy had his hands down her pants, in full view of the
audience....don't get me wrong, I can be as salacious as anyone, but
this was way, WAY out of bounds...I got the impression the girl was very
uncomfortable but didn't want to make a scene...the guy I think was
using his lack of English and customs to take advantage of the situation
to cop a feel....he was grazingly close to penetration - those in our
group were just short of gasping, finally he 'finished' and she went
back to her place....the whole thing was very one who had
the 'treatment' from this master reported anything unusual that they
could percieve and even weeks later when we swapped notes, nothing was
apparent....most of us except for two, declined to take these $500 per
month courses!!!!

Of the two that did (Barbara and Tom), they both dropped out saying
nothing useful was being offered and we all felt it was just a cult with
a money making scheme. I think the kicker was when they were describing
that this 'special energy' came through the carpet pattern from their
master in remote Korea, where he had an identical pattern that he used
to focus his energy on....they likened it to rays or energies radiating
from the carpet and into the room.

Way too cultlike for me...

However, the idea was quite intriguing, that the energy (chi) of the
body could be awakened and excited to the point that it repelled outside
noxious of course tied in with the kinesiologic response
of the muscles to enharmonious wave interactions (destructive
conjugation) which would serve as the SENSING MECHANISM, which would
trigger the trained CHI response. The idea still makes sense to me.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187