Re: More Interference Pattern Stuff

Chuck Henderson ( (no email) )
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 23:23:22 -0500

> From: Matthew Redmond <>
> To:
> Subject: More Interference Pattern Stuff
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 1998 4:45 AM

You wrote:

> > It is noted that when you "cloud bust" (Basically sucking orgone) there
> seems to be interference patterns at certain distances from the mouth of
> the busting device.
> Now, does this occur because there is more than one type of wave coming
> If so what is different about them (frequency, phase, speed...), and how
> many main ones are we dealing with .

At times a Cloudbuster is used to interfere with the existing flow of the
atmosphere's varied energies and at other times it is used to entrain
the flow of energy on mulitple levels to regain what would be considered
the natural flow of atmospheric OR energy.

The answer to the second part of your question is: yes, there are several
types of waves being dealt with when a Cloudbuster is being used
properly. Frequencies, Phase Differential, Speed, Harmonics, etc. all
need to be taken into account during set-up and tuning of a Cloudbuster
for optimum preformance, as one would do for any accoustic device.
Occasional fine tuning and adjustment must be done during the

I guess the easiest way to show someone even a limited portion of the
factors that need to be considered when planning an operation with a
Cloudbuster (Reich's or Constable's designs), would be to tell a person
to find a place where a small stream empties into a pond, preferably
with a few stumps or stones near the junture. Observe the multitude
of wave patterns that form from the interaction between the wind and water,
the stream and pond, stream and obstacles, etc.. That is an example
of one level.

I hope this helps.
