More Interference Pattern Stuff

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 21:45:23 +1200

Hi there,

Here are a few thoughts and rememberings from last night (just as I got
into bed), and today.... Hey Ray, I haven't had time to look at your site
for this topic, so if I am treading on something you have already looked at
please say as I only know bits and pieces on harmonics etc..

By the way, if somethings sound like they were written by a tired person,
you'd be right. Started work at 4:30 am, only just got home, 9:15pm!

It is noted that when you "cloud bust" (Basically sucking orgone) there
seems to be interference patterns at certain distances from the mouth of
the busting device.

Now, does this occur because there is more than one type of wave coming in?
If so what is different about them (frequency, phase, speed...), and how
many main ones are we dealing with .

Another possible interference pattern...The world grid system...Could be
wrong but it does look like one to me. (Help me out Ray, anyone!)

Ok, levitation...

OK. Monks raising rock using musical instruments (ie creating sound
waves). The rock is in a large concave rock dish (???). This would bounce
the sound waves in towards the centre to many different focal points.
Underneath, if the correct combination of sounds were chosen, interference
patterns would form which would create a strong force pushing the rock
upwards...don't ask me how this is just a thought...Rome wasn't built in a

Ok. Antigravity....wasn't there a case where sound was recorded from a
possible UFO that were found to be complex combinations of cathies
harmonics, or something along those lines. If this is so then if directed
properly (maybe the different frequencies do this, changing one or more
freqs changes direction or speed?) then you could create a force that would
levitate you in a certain position.

I hope that makes sense, too tired to write more, to tired to check the
above...oh well