Response to Wired Magazine request

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:57:22 -0500

Hi Guys!

This is an email from WIRED magazine and my response;

I just left a message on your answering machine about this; I'm a
reporter for Wired News and am writing about the International Tesla
Society's convention that's happening this weekend (details at

I was wondering if you were available for an interview (email or phone)
about this and the technology that's being demonstrated; if you'd like
to call collect, you can reach me at 440.243.1346.

Thanks for your time.
Michael Stutz
Hi Michael!

I was not planning on making the Tesla conference this year, so I really
can't say anything about what's there. But I'll bet you a case of beer
there is no working overunity device that is testable by others or for
sale as an operating unit, a kit or working plans to build it yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I think highly of J.W. McGinnis and the Tesla guys
in general and have been a long time supporter of their activities,
however, sometimes you need some flash to get people to attend your
conference...<g>.... When inventors or experimenters make a claim and
offer to explain or demonstrate it at your conference, if there is any
possibility of something that might work, you jump on it, but I wouldn't
ever count on it as fact.

Many of us suffer from the 'want to believe' syndrome and so are not as
critical as we should be. By critical I mean requiring proof, we
generally trust the people making the claims, which has resulted in us
being labeled as half-baked, gullible, crackpots, cranks, etc..

>From my 30 some odd years experience in this area, most of the claims
I've seen revolve around;

1) good faith claims based on what turn out to be erroneous
measurements - here the inventor really believes they have
something, yet when built and tested by others, the overunity
results are found to be based on calculations derived from
erroenous physical measurements
2) people who KNOW they have nothing, yet seek to get investors in
their company using the form of 'partnerships' or 'franchises'
where they play on people's greed. One guy asks $10,000 for a
'partnership', another asks $5,000 for a 'franchise'. Both offer
'rights to sell' the products resulting from this new discovery
WHEN IT IS AVAILABLE...the hook is there is NO FIXED DATE OF
PRODUCTION so that you NEVER see any hardware to sell to AT LEAST
recoup your investment. That means you are giving them your money
with NO assurance or guarantee of any opportunity to recover.
3) then there is the inventor who really does discover an anomaly or
effect, yet they refuse to allow any independent testing or
duplication out of fear (afraid someone will rip them off),
paranoia (afraid the oil companies or government will threaten or
kill the inventor or his family), ego (wants to retain full
control and power over the discovery to ensure he goes down in
history as the greatest discoverer).

IMHO, the only way any true overunity device will ever be absolutely
proven is for it to run itself and power a load over a protracted period
of time, 6 months, a year would be fine.

Because of the world changes that will NECESSARILY follow from practical
proof of how to produce energy from the vacuum/aether/zpe/gravity and
how to produce gravity control, the only way IMHO to release the
information is FREELY so that all countries and peoples of the world may

This will best be done by FREELY providing the plans for the Proof of
Principle (PoP) as detailed at and using the
shareware document to ensure credit and some modest income is given to
the inventor as detailed at

Sure, keep the details for the big high power versions and sell those,
but PROVE THE INITIAL EFFECT, int he form of the PoP. Instant
credibility because anyone can build and test a desktop PROOF. If they
choose to pursue it, either by working with the inventor or building on
the initial PoP, it will result in all kinds of new discoveries and
PRODUCTS which people can build, buy and USE.

Some of these free energy devices will require it to be kickstarted with
an outside power source to get it running. Once it is running, the
output power is folded back to the input so it becomes self-sustaining,
then the extra energy is fed to a load.

IMHO, that load should ideally be resistive in the form of a heater or
inductive as in a motor under mechanical load. The reason being that
light intensity is subject to several variations ranging from an
intermix of gas, unusual high efficiency filaments as with osmium
opposed to tungsten, etc.. in the lamp which can confuse human
perception. Yes, you can use LUX measurements to monitor for a
consistent intensity, but my preference above all is a resistance

With the load being a resistance heater, you can attach a thermocouple
to it to show consistent heating along with how much current and voltage
is being drawn by the heater.

The same technique applies to an inductive motor, except that you attach
a mechanical load to the motor so that it provides a somewhat constant
output torque (in horsepower) in addition to the current and voltage
being used by the motor.

The error I continually see is measurements of power used by a load,
with the output power compared to the input power to determine
efficiency. The devices NEVER POWER THEMSELVES so are prone to all
kinds of errors based on calculations of efficiency rather than the
ultimate irrefutable proof of a self-sustaining device.

Self-sustaining operation is therefore my ultimate prerequisite as to
the validity of a TRUE overunity, free energy device.

Where does the energy come from? Gravity and aether/zpe pervade
EVERYTHING, therefore there is no such thing as a closed loop. It is a
matter of TRANSLATING or transforming the gravity or aether/zpe inflows
into mass, into a form we can use. That form can be either mechanical
or electronic (magnetism, electrostatic or electromagnetism).

Well, that's my take on the entire field. To the best of my knowledge,
there is NOT a working, self-sustaining overunity device that anyone can
buy or build from a kit or plans.

People ask why we continue to devote time, money, effort and attention
to the subject since nothing has resulted in the past 100 years or so.

In my opinion, our drive and devotion to the subject is due to some
strange inner realization that we are in fact surrounded by unbelievable
amounts of energy which are there for the tapping. Much like a puzzle
you cannot walk away from, or if you do, you keep coming back to it.

All it takes is one breakthrough and the world will be all over this,
many who are now RABID enemies of the entire field will then claim, they
'knew it all along'. We all expect such attitudes and put up with the
majority who refuse to even consider the possibilities, let alone look
into the various ways we all study to try to tap this incredible ambient

The bottomline to our quest is the discovery and free release of the
construction details to build a working overunity device which we fully
expect to spread like wildfire and to be duplicated all over the world
and to be put into practical use by all countries.

This single discovery will in turn spawn a science renaissance beyond
anything we can now imagine. This renaissance will encompass not only
physics and electronics but also MEDICINE and health because the
aether/zpe inflows directly influence the function and health of living

If it would be of use to you or your readers, feel free to use this
email or any part thereof as well as anything on the KeelyNet website.

KeelyNet is not here for entertainment, nor to attract attention. It
started as a semi-private BBS with word of mouth recommendations only
between serious researchers and experimenters. The inevitable migration
to the Internet exposed us to all kinds of additional limelight which
was not sought or solicited. We have a purpose, we have goals, we shall
achieve those goals.

Michael, thanks for your interest, if there is anything I can do to help
you in future, drop me a line. You'll know when we succeed!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187