Re: Metglass

Bob Paddock ( )
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:10:47 -0400

>John: If you will go back and do a search on the Meuller Motor you will find
>reference to the use of Metglas due to it's low losses as a transformer core
>material. Bob Paddock provided a source for it while we were discussing it's
>properties and possible use in the Adams Magnetic Repulsion Motor. It is
>manufactured by Allied Signal Corp. in New Jersey as best as I can

Last address I had for them was, which was about 3 years ago:

AlliedSignal Inc.
Amorphous Metals
6 Eastmans Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054

There are two different, at least, divisions. One where you
by sheets of MetGlass for making laminates, and one where
you by Cores for transformers and such.

The cheapest Core, about the size of dime, cost $17 at the
time. The largest size cost $250+.

>I'm sure Bob will jump in and give you the details on
>current sources for he has an excellent source library.

I'll type up some of the reference material over the