Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Norman Wootan ( )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 08:15:07 -0500

Bill: Careful here for if you create standing waves at the natural resonant
freq of the crystaline lattice structure of the magnet material using three
octave relationship then you are applying "Keely-ese" and are backing into the
"MRA" technology for this is exactly how it worked. The MRA is a extremely
high "Q" device based on resonance in non-linear material. Norm

Bill Perry wrote:

> > I think that one could create the required 60Hz frequency by beating two
> > frequencies together, at the right phase.
> Actually, (sorry to keep correcting myself), but ony ONE frequency would
> be required as long as it was 60Hz off of the actual resonant frequency
> of the medium. if its resonance was 30KHz, inject a strong 29940Hz or a
> 30060Hz signal and the standing wave left over would be 60Hz.
> BillP