Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Norman Wootan ( )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 07:58:03 -0500

Jerry: If you get a sensitive enough scale I'll give you a bunch of the 1
3/4" peltier chips to experiment with. I have plenty of them. I have never
checked for weight loss but Joel and I discussed this. The heat transfer
capability phenomenon has always been a mystery to me.. How can current
flow across a juntion move heat unless heat phenomenon is an electrical
effect in the first place. I have always believed that heat as we perceive
it is a radiation of frequencies in the far IR to visible band of
electromagnetic frequencies. Remember back on the BBS I said this is how
fire walkers are able to phase cancel the effect of the hot coals which
enables them to walk across the bed of burning coals. Say the word and I'll
drop off a "care package" like the old days. Norm

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Norm et al!
> I just wrote (I know - self-referentials are a major mistake..<g>..);
> > In the Tesla Sphere, he reports one half became COLD, the other
> > became HOT, much like a REVERSE PELTIER JUNCTION!!! I do not
> > recall which half was HOT, but I think it was the top half of
> > the sphere. The point here is one half of the sphere might have
> > been demonstrating pure magnetism, the other half of the sphere
> > pure electricity and the equator of the sphere functioning like
> > a Bloch Wall. I neglected to mention there was a wire around
> > the middle of the sphere which produced the effect.
> Do you remember a few years ago when you gave me those Peltier junctions
> to play with? I remember we were talking about them on the BBS and you
> said this same thing.
> I'd forgotten it but after reading this, it sounded like someone had
> said that before, and it was you!!!
> I don't recall if, at the time, we talked about doing any kind of
> experiment to SEE if there was WEIGHT LOSS in these things when powered
> up with DC. That was probably also while the Seike 'infinite oscillator'
> was being discussed. I held the things in my hand and it was still
> heavy when current was flowing through it.
> I'll bet SURFACE AREA is a key ingredient here because of the area
> covered by gravity. I never saw any dimensions for this Tesla Sphere,
> but something tells me 3 feet diameter minimum. Searl and Hamel both
> say their machines don't work as tabletop versions, at least the
> levitating versions. Hamel says 6 to 8 feet is what he recommends for a
> prototype.
> With the Tesla Sphere, I understood it to be one material, like copper
> or spun steel. In the case of a Peltier junction, it is two different
> materials. With the Dotto ring, it was constantan and copper, but the
> constantan was a much smaller surface area than the copper, but those
> machines were reported to lift from the floor.
> I always attributed the Dotto ring levitation reports as due to the
> intense current (30,000 amps) with an equal polarity facing downwards to
> the earth (North to North) to cause magnetic repulsion.
> Very puzzling and to me, most fascinating. Do you think there is any
> chance the Peltier Junction might have something odd going on with it?
> Worth buying a scale, but I'll bet there is no perceptible weight loss.
> Something about an energized ring...<g>...
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187