Re: Biasing Events??

Ray Tomes ( )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 08:25:10 GMT

I have had periods of time when I run hot on certain types of
synchronicity. Right now I have been experiencing lots of these things.
In the past these hot periods always came to a halt after a few weeks or

On one occasion I noticed that often when I mentioned someone's name the
phone would instantly ring and it would be them. They hardly had time
to dial! I began to say " ... such and such name .." phone rings "Oh,
that will be them now" and made at least 10 correct calls before getting
bored and stopping doing it. I made no wrong calls at all. Some of the
people were people who I hadn't had phone calls from in many months.
The chances are about 1 in 10^20 or so.

During that same period many other similar events happened... e.g. I
went to the movies and on sitting down commented to my wife "I got the
dog's seat" and had to explain that my seat number K9 was canine which
meant dog. As soon as I had finished, an ad appeared for an upcoming
movie called "K9" about a police dog I think. I swear that I did not
know that such a movie existed.

In my experience *trying* to do this does not work. You have to let it
happen. There is a course called "Forum" which uses phrases like
"I stand for the possibility that .... will happen" which is about as
near as you can get to asking for it. But as Jerry says you have to be
not wishing for it but just let it go.

Another similar type of experience that I have had is having an original
idea and then reading about it, generally 14 days later ... I think
there is a 14 day loop in time with a bit of cross-talk :-)
For example, as a youngster I worked out that if stars were spread
evenly to infinity then the sky would be infinitely bright. Two weeks
later someone told me that this was called Olber's paradox and was
invented in about 1800. It is annoying to have one's original ideas
become unoriginal like this.

Another case I had was when I discovered about the 160 minute cycle in
the sun. There was a debate about whether it was real because the
observed period was almost exactly 1/9 of a day. It was thought that
maybe the earth's surface oscillated with that period. Anyway, on a
whim I put down that book in the library and wandered over to a section
that I had never been to before and pulled out a volume from a set on
science history and it popped open at a page about Hindu astronomy. It
started by saying that the first thing you needed to know was that they
did all their time calculations using a unit called a "Pada" which was
1/9 of a day. Spooky! (The 1/9 day fits neatly for lunar calculations
as the siderial period is 27 1/3 days while the synodic is 29 5/9 days).
My friend told me "that is the finger of God, you must make it your
life's work".

My recent experience (which may have started Jerry on this thread)
concerned learning for the first time about Royal Rife about 3 weeks
ago. I have now had 4 independent and a couple more semi-independent
things to do with Rife come and hit me! One of these involved a Doctor
going to visit someone who I had gone to visit and who was not at home.
We met outside the house and I discovered that he was wanting to use a
Rife machine. We had never met before.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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Boundaries of Science