Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:49:29 -0500

Hi Bill!

You wrote;
> ...we could create a standing wave in a suitable size of magnet.

Perhaps that is what Floyd Sweet did when he 'programmed' his 4 X 6 inch
slab magnets??? Maybe these are


which move so easily across the magnet when 'pushed' with repelling
energy (like pole) from another magnet.

That would account for their 'non-locality' that is, why they would not
be 'fixed' to a given spatial coordinate within the magnetic domains.

Quite an interesting thought Bill, I'm you and Doug know
each other???...<g>......

You know, Donnie Watson told me that if you dropped one of these
programmed slab magnets or struck it, that the bubble would DISAPPEAR!!

He said you could reprogram it to restore the bubble and that the bubble
could be set to any frequency, his was 60hz so that it could 'power'
normal loads. Sweet said you could program them with anything you want.

60hz is a VERY LONG WAVE and I have trouble comprehending how this could
be produced as a standing wave in such a small structure. Possibly a
harmonic or higher octave...since the shorter the waveLENGTH, the higher
the frequency and the smaller the bubble would be.

As I understand it, oscillation occurs across the diameter of the mass,
so at 60hz, that would be a very large mass indeed. I'm missing
something here, any ideas on how to clarify????

I know you can strike iron to induce a magnetic field and I'd always
attributed the loss of the 'bubble' to rearrangement of the bubble
domains to that of the over-ruling magnetic energy from the rest of the

Using your idea of a standing wave imparted in the magnet would make the
deletion of this bubble by striking, analogous to popping a soap bubble.

Donnie said when he programmed magnets that sometimes the magnet would
have imperfections in its natural field which reflected physical damage.
But that you could RE-program them OVER and OVER at will.

I saw one of these programmed magnets and an unprogrammed magnet. I
viewed the fields of each of these magnets with flux viewing plastic and
clearly saw the bubble. I moved the bubble with a small bar magnet and
the bubble moved exactly like a bubble of air under a plastic sheet in a
tub of water. It was amazing.

I think you've hit on something Bill by the fact that these programmed
bubbles move so easily which indicates these bubbles are NOT FIXED BY
DOMAINS....amazing....I remain impressed....thanks!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187