Re: Aether Precipitation

Ray Tomes ( )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 08:25:07 GMT

On Sun, 12 Apr 1998 01:14:09 -0500, "Jerry W. Decker"
<> wrote:

>Ray, I want to thank you. You hit me over the head with a baseball bat
>to knock me out of my DUH with regard to aether...despite saying it all
>the time and writing about it,
> I kept thinking aether had to GO SOMEHWERE!!
>You said it didn't have to GO ANYWHERE because matter is PRECIPITATED
>AETHER. Between your comment and the 'Matter as Bubble's' file, it
>finally snapped for me, so THANKS!!!!

Jerry, you will have to give Ross the credit for that.
I don't agree with it :-)

I think that matter is rarefied aether due to rotation forces (as in a
vortex or similar structure). I don't think that the aether goes
anywhere substantial; rather it oscillates in place. I do think that
energy goes somewhere due to the oscillations moving. I think that what
some people call aether is what I call energy or some other structure in
the aether.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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