Re: Quantum Communication

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 21:11:54 -0400

Steve wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Jerry sounds like you are talking about Bohm's polarization corelated
> > photon experiment to test the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. This
> > demonstates Bell's theorem of the non-locality of reality, which leaves
> > a way open for superluminal communication.
> > -Gerald
> There is an article on Sumeria that is about these experiments, and the
> holographic universe theory.. very interesting.
> -Steve

Ok, checked it out. Here's the subtitle:
Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?

HA! This kind of statement always cracks me up every time! Whenever
someone new comes to the conclusion that the world is an illusion, they
seem to think that that changes things. Like now that they know reality
is 'unreal' the whole thing's gonna vanish. Didn't anyone ever bother to
play that child's game where you repeatedly ask "..and what's that made
of?" until there's nothing left?

Every age rediscovers this and what has changed because of it? The human
mind can't cope with it and so ignores it and returns to comfortable 3D

I'll tell you though, Quantum physics is the best thing that's happened
to science in a long time. With it, scientists don't have to understand
or deal with the reality issue. They can just do the math. (of course a
few good ones have to invent the math)