Quantum Communication

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 03:09:23 -0500

Hi Dan and all!

Check this out;
Hi Guyz!

The other day I was watching 'Ultra Science' on Discosvery and they
talked about a scientist named Nimtz who has succeeded in breaking the
light barrier.

He used a quantum-tunnel and put an audio signal through it. He
projected the signal on the other end of the room and he was actually
able to play the transmited sound.

Weird thing was that he transmitted the signal at 4 times the light
speed !!

They didn't show an experiment or something, but I think it would result
in something like that the 'projected sound' played a tune which the
'original sound' wasn't up to yet.

Weird thing huh?? Does anyone know anything more about this, since it
may help us in time-travel experiments..

Greetings, - Tim
This sounds like an expansion on the Alain-Aspect experiment where the
photon is split into two sections, traveling in opposite directions.
Influence one and you automatically influence the other.

Isn't this the same resonant coupling, quantum tunneling, 'standing
columnar wave', sympathetic link/attendant, corridor/conduit thing seen
with Joe Parr and with the molecular frequency discriminator??? Also
the same thing that happens with two IDENTICALLY tuned resonant bodies

Remember Keely said you could establish a sympathy and resonance between
any two or more masses that could be tuned to resonate....that a piece
of wood could be made to resonate with a piece of iron????

I always had trouble with this because of the 'timbre' consisting of
many frequencies riding on the one fundamental...however, the principle
would still work, it would be a bitch to get them resonant on several
levels...i.e., mass aggregate fundamental, molecular, atomic and
subsets...so I think you couldn't go below the molecular. What say ye?

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187