Re: Quantum Communication

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:19:30 -0400

> Hi Guyz!
> The other day I was watching 'Ultra Science' on Discosvery and they
> talked about a scientist named Nimtz who has succeeded in breaking the
> light barrier.
> He used a quantum-tunnel and put an audio signal through it. He
> projected the signal on the other end of the room and he was actually
> able to play the transmited sound.
> Weird thing was that he transmitted the signal at 4 times the light
> speed !!
> They didn't show an experiment or something, but I think it would result
> in something like that the 'projected sound' played a tune which the
> 'original sound' wasn't up to yet.
> Weird thing huh?? Does anyone know anything more about this, since it
> may help us in time-travel experiments..
> Greetings, - Tim
> ----------------
> This sounds like an expansion on the Alain-Aspect experiment where the
> photon is split into two sections, traveling in opposite directions.
> Influence one and you automatically influence the other.
> Isn't this the same resonant coupling, quantum tunneling, 'standing
> columnar wave', sympathetic link/attendant, corridor/conduit thing seen
> with Joe Parr and with the molecular frequency discriminator??? Also
> the same thing that happens with two IDENTICALLY tuned resonant bodies
> Jerry W. Decker /

Jerry sounds like you are talking about Bohm's polarization corelated
photon experiment to test the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. This
demonstates Bell's theorem of the non-locality of reality, which leaves
a way open for superluminal communication.