Re: Production & Ejection of Ball Lightning

Hexslinger ( )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 02:33:12 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi HEX!
> Where would the plans be for such a HERF gun?? I've never seen one
> though once upon a time, 'Information Unlimited' or one of those joints
> in the back of electronics magazines, sold a pockect device that would
> scramble TVs.

Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure myself. (I can hear you groaning already) :)

> Do you know of any boom box killer plans?? I was always afraid it would
> fry MY OWN electronics at the same time...I know antennas have specific
> patterns, so I can see how a signal could envelope a car to induce
> enough radiated excess current in the preamp or amp section to smoke it.

Oh, you're looking for some kind of 'drive-by' HERF gun, eh? :)
Ummm... well as I understand it, some (most?) HERF guns use some kind of
waveguide around the antenna to prevent the signal from leaking all over
the place (like backfiring and destroying any electronic equipment sitting
behind you or something). Again, HERF guns really aren't my territory --
I'm just relaying what I know.

> Someone could make some great bucks selling these, plans or
> kits...though it is DEFINITELY ILLEGAL....would be fun to watch the
> boogie nation, hip-hot, rap music crowd scratching their heads when
> their radio, dude, you turned it up TOO
> LOUD...<g>...gotta love it...

Heh - yeah. I'm sure the FCC would have a ball with anyone walking about
blowing people off the air (just like the old CB-stomping days, eh?)

> Plans!! Address!!! URL!!! Thanks!!!

I'm pretty sure there's some plans floating around somewhere. When you get
some free time, just hop on Altavista or something and search for HERF,
and you're *BOUND* to run into SOMETHING. (Or search for "HERF FAQ" -- god
knows somebody out there probably has a FAQ related to building them --
I mean, the 'net is FAQ-happy... when you can find FAQs on constructing
skateboard ramps and potato-guns, you *KNOW* there's a good chance that
when you really need something, you'll probably find it). :)